The B68 9RQ postcode is in Sandwell, Sandwell postcode town, within West Midlands, England region.
For comprehensive crime statistics in the B68 9RQ area, explore the B68 9RQ Crime Rates page.
To explore detailed house prices and statistics in the B68 9RQ area, visit the B68 9RQ House Prices
Name | Type |
Postcode Area | B68 |
Ward | Bristnall |
Middle layer Super Output Area | Warley West |
Lower Tier Local Authority | Sandwell |
Upper Tier Local Authority | Sandwell |
Region | West Midlands |
Country | England |
Travel To Work Area | Dudley |
Police Force | West Midlands |
NHS Care Board | NHS Black Country Integrated Care Board |
Electoral ward | Bristnall |
Westminster Parliamentary Constituency | Warley |
Multiple Deprivation Index | 6473 |
According to the ONS, The nearby area classification is Social renting young families / Urban cultural mix / Industrial and Multi-ethnic, while the work-zone classification is Teachers and carers in metro suburbs.
Nearby PlacesThe nearest places is Langley Green(0.21 mi)
The nearest Railway Station is Langley Green(0.44 mi)
Below are the nearest schools to the postcode ordered by distance. (data from
Name | Age | Distance | Details |
Q3 Academy LangleySecondary, Good | 11-19 | B68 8ED (0.22 mi) | Details |
Our Lady and St Hubert's Catholic Primary SchoolPrimary, Outstanding | 5-11 | B68 8ED (0.22 mi) | Details |
Moat Farm Junior SchoolPrimary, Good | 7-11 | B68 9QR (0.32 mi) | Details |
Moat Farm Infant SchoolPrimary, Good | 2-7 | B68 9QR (0.32 mi) | Details |
The Orchard SchoolPrimary, Requires improvement | 2-11 | B68 8LD (0.39 mi) | Details |
Al Khair Primary SchoolPrimary, Inadequate | 2-11 | B68 8LR (0.39 mi) | Details |
Rood End Primary SchoolPrimary, Requires improvement | 3-11 | B68 8SQ (0.50 mi) | Details |
Bristnall Hall AcademySecondary, Good | 11-18 | B68 9PA (0.55 mi) | Details |
Oldbury AcademySecondary, Good | 11-16 | B68 8NE (0.60 mi) | Details |
Langley Primary SchoolPrimary, Good | 3-11 | B69 4QB (0.61 mi) | Details |
Annie Lennard Primary SchoolPrimary, Good | 3-11 | B67 6LE (0.83 mi) | Details |
Causeway Green Primary SchoolPrimary, Requires improvement | 3-11 | B68 8LX (0.86 mi) | Details |
Holly Lodge High School College of ScienceSecondary, Good | 11-18 | B67 7JG (0.93 mi) | Details |
Bleakhouse Primary SchoolPrimary, Good | 4-11 | B68 9DS (0.94 mi) | Details |
George Betts Primary AcademyPrimary, Good | 3-11 | B66 1RE (0.99 mi) | Details |
The nearest GP to this postcode is DOG KENNEL LANE SURGERY(0.28 mi). Check out the NHS GPs in nearby area.
Name | Telephone | Postcode |
dog kennel lane surgeryActive64 dog kennel lane, oldbury, warley, west midlands | 01215521713 | B68 9LZ |
warley road surgeryActive118 warley road, oldbury, warley, west midlands | 01215445681 | B68 9SZ |
rood end medical practiceActive182-184 vicarage road, oldbury, west midlands | 01215448666 | B68 8JB |
causeway green road surgeryActive158 causeway green road, oldbury, warley, west midlands | 01215521968 | B68 8LJ |
hill top medical centreActivehill top medical centre, 15 hill top road, oldbury, warley, west midlands | 01214222146 | B68 9DU |
The population of B689RQ is 370 compared to England, which has a population of 59,597,542.
The average age of people living in the nearby area is 41 years old. The top three age distributions are: Below 14 (1574), Between 45 to 54 (1171), and Between 55 to 64 (1058).
According to the latest census 2021, The main ethnicity of the people in the immediate area is White: English with a total of 225 people, followed by Pakistani with a total of 41.
Regarding education, 75 adults have Does not apply, while 62 have Level 4.
As for deprivation, most of the area is Deprived in one dimension (235), followed by at least Not deprived in any dimension (220).
In terms of religion, most people mentioned Christian (131), followed by No religion (118).
The NS-SEC defines and measures social class and is considered a reliable indicator of a person's class status. As per the 2021 census, most of the population has Lower managerial, administrative and professional occupations (54) followed by Routine occupations (40), and Intermediate occupations (39).
Most people in the area mentioned they are Employee: Full-time (428), and 271 adults mentioned they are Retired.
As per the country of birth, most adults are from the United Kingdom (1249) and Middle East and Asia (227).