Are you looking to understand BN21 4NY house prices? Here, we provide a detailed analysis of the latest sold house prices, trends over the years, and key statistics to help you gauge the real estate landscape in this Eastbourne postcode.
For the location information and nearby amenities in the BN21 4NY area, explore the BN21 4NY Area information page.
For comprehensive crime statistics in the BN21 4NY area, explore the BN21 4NY Crime Rates page.
Overview of Sold House prices
As per the latest sold houses in the BN21 4NY postcode area, The average prices are as follows,
- Detached
- The average price is around £527,000 median price is £575,000 Standard Deviation is £202,894 with Total Sold: 5
- The Last 5 Year average price is £850,000 with Total Sold: 1
- The most recent sale happened at this postcode is 10 HARDWICK ROAD: £850,000 (Sold on 11 Aug 2023)
- The first recorded sale happened at this postcode is 15 HARDWICK ROAD: £250,000 (Sold on 06 Feb 2004)
- Other
- The average price is around £820,000 median price is £820,000 Standard Deviation is £0 with Total Sold: 1
- The Last 5 Year average price is £820,000 with Total Sold: 1
- The most recent sale happened at this postcode is 6 HARDWICK ROAD: £820,000 (Sold on 08 Jun 2022)
- The first recorded sale happened at this postcode is 6 HARDWICK ROAD: £820,000 (Sold on 08 Jun 2022)
- Flat
- The average price is around £118,538 median price is £130,500 Standard Deviation is £57,821 with Total Sold: 32
- The Last 5 Year average price is £232,500 with Total Sold: 1
- The most recent sale happened at this postcode is FLAT 1, 2 HARDWICK ROAD: £232,500 (Sold on 04 May 2022)
- The first recorded sale happened at this postcode is BASEMENT FLAT, 12: £23,500 (Sold on 10 Jan 1995)
- Terraced
- The average price is around £297,750 median price is £283,750 Standard Deviation is £132,666 with Total Sold: 6
- The most recent sale happened at this postcode is 9 HARDWICK ROAD: £460,000 (Sold on 13 Nov 2017)
- The first recorded sale happened at this postcode is 5 HARDWICK ROAD: £111,000 (Sold on 04 Oct 1995)
- Semi-Detached
- The average price is around £52,125 median price is £52,125 Standard Deviation is £0 with Total Sold: 1
- The most recent sale happened at this postcode is FLAT 1, 12 HARDWICK ROAD: £52,125 (Sold on 14 Mar 2000)
- The first recorded sale happened at this postcode is FLAT 1, 12 HARDWICK ROAD: £52,125 (Sold on 14 Mar 2000)
Sold Price Trend Over the Years:
Below table and chart gives the average BN21 4NY house prices and number of sold houses over the years. This helps understand the price trend over the years in this postcode.
Please note that this data is populated based on the sold houses data given by the Land Registry.
House Type: Detached
Year | Avg. Price | Avg. Price/Sq. mtr | Sold |
2023 | £850,000 | £5,743 | 1 |
2014 | £575,000 | £3,885 | 1 |
2005 | £575,000 | | 1 |
2004 | £317,500 | | 2 |
House Type: Other
Year | Avg. Price | Avg. Price/Sq. mtr | Sold |
2022 | £820,000 | | 1 |
House Type: Flat
Year | Avg. Price | Avg. Price/Sq. mtr | Sold |
2022 | £232,500 | £2,500 | 1 |
2018 | £168,000 | £1,806 | 1 |
2014 | £138,000 | £1,484 | 1 |
2012 | £200,000 | £1,550 | 1 |
2009 | £147,500 | £1,586 | 1 |
2008 | £176,250 | £2,004 | 2 |
2007 | £152,786 | £1,820 | 7 |
2006 | £81,500 | | 1 |
2004 | £131,800 | £1,650 | 5 |
2003 | £120,000 | £1,579 | 1 |
2002 | £151,950 | | 1 |
2001 | £84,500 | £870 | 2 |
2000 | £52,125 | | 2 |
1997 | £40,167 | £512 | 3 |
1996 | £27,500 | | 1 |
1995 | £25,750 | | 2 |
House Type: Terraced
Year | Avg. Price | Avg. Price/Sq. mtr | Sold |
2017 | £460,000 | £3,594 | 1 |
2015 | £450,000 | £3,147 | 1 |
2007 | £357,500 | £2,500 | 1 |
2000 | £204,000 | £1,467 | 2 |
1995 | £111,000 | £776 | 1 |
House Type: Semi-Detached
Year | Avg. Price | Avg. Price/Sq. mtr | Sold |
2000 | £52,125 | £592 | 1 |
All the Sales in the BN21 4NY
See the table below for more details on the sold house prices in the BN21 4NY, Eastbourne postcode.
Address | Sold Date | Price | % Change |
10 HARDWICK ROADDetached, FreeholdArea: 148 Sq.mtrAge: 1950-1966 | 11 Aug 2023 | £850,000 | 47.83% |
03 Jul 2014 | £575,000 | First Sale |
6 HARDWICK ROADOther, Freehold | 08 Jun 2022 | £820,000 | First Sale |
FLAT 1, 2 HARDWICK ROADFlat, LeaseholdArea: 93 Sq.mtrAge: 1900-1929 | 04 May 2022 | £232,500 | 38.39% |
14 Dec 2018 | £168,000 | 21.74% |
21 Mar 2014 | £138,000 | -6.44% |
12 Oct 2009 | £147,500 | -1.67% |
20 Jul 2007 | £150,000 | 84.05% |
21 Nov 2006 | £81,500 | 132.86% |
25 Mar 1997 | £35,000 | 25.00% |
12 Jul 1995 | £28,000 | First Sale |
9 HARDWICK ROADTerraced, FreeholdArea: 128 Sq.mtrAge: 1983-1990 | 13 Nov 2017 | £460,000 | First Sale |
5 HARDWICK ROADTerraced, FreeholdArea: 143 Sq.mtrAge: 1976-1982 | 28 May 2015 | £450,000 | 25.87% |
24 Jan 2007 | £357,500 | 222.07% |
04 Oct 1995 | £111,000 | First Sale |
FLAT 4, 3 HARDWICK ROADFlat, LeaseholdArea: 129 Sq.mtrAge: before 1900 | 31 Aug 2012 | £200,000 | -14.35% |
14 Nov 2007 | £233,500 | 46.86% |
29 Mar 2004 | £159,000 | 76.67% |
02 Nov 2001 | £90,000 | 130.77% |
16 May 1997 | £39,000 | First Sale |
FLAT 1, 14 HARDWICK ROADFlat, LeaseholdArea: 96 Sq.mtrAge: before 1900 | 25 Jul 2008 | £191,000 | First Sale |
FLAT 2, 14 HARDWICK ROADFlat, LeaseholdArea: 80 Sq.mtrAge: before 1900 | 25 Jul 2008 | £161,500 | First Sale |
FLAT 3, 14 HARDWICK ROADFlat, LeaseholdArea: 76 Sq.mtrAge: before 1900 | 12 Oct 2007 | £164,000 | 36.67% |
05 Dec 2003 | £120,000 | First Sale |
GARDEN FLAT, 12 HARDWICK ROADFlat, LeaseholdArea: 85 Sq.mtrAge: 1900-1929 | 10 Apr 2007 | £130,500 | -3.33% |
21 Apr 2004 | £135,000 | First Sale |
FLAT 3, 12 HARDWICK ROADFlat, LeaseholdArea: 67 Sq.mtrAge: 1900-1929 | 10 Apr 2007 | £130,500 | 13.48% |
15 Mar 2004 | £115,000 | First Sale |
FLAT 1, 12 HARDWICK ROADFlat, LeaseholdArea: 88 Sq.mtrAge: before 1900 | 10 Apr 2007 | £130,500 | 0.38% |
21 Apr 2004 | £130,000 | 149.40% |
14 Mar 2000 | £52,125 | First Sale |
FLAT 2, 12 HARDWICK ROADFlat, LeaseholdArea: 66 Sq.mtrAge: before 1900 | 10 Apr 2007 | £130,500 | 8.75% |
15 Mar 2004 | £120,000 | First Sale |
8 HARDWICK ROADDetached, Freehold | 20 Jun 2005 | £575,000 | First Sale |
15 HARDWICK ROADDetached, Freehold | 16 Jul 2004 | £385,000 | 54.00% |
06 Feb 2004 | £250,000 | First Sale |
FLAT 3, 3 HARDWICK ROADFlat, Leasehold | 28 Aug 2002 | £151,950 | First Sale |
FLAT 4, 14 HARDWICK ROADFlat, LeaseholdArea: 90.77 Sq.mtrAge: 1900-1929 | 06 Apr 2001 | £79,000 | 69.89% |
30 May 1997 | £46,500 | First Sale |
7 HARDWICK ROADTerraced, FreeholdArea: 135 Sq.mtrAge: 1976-1982 | 01 Dec 2000 | £198,000 | First Sale |
11 HARDWICK ROADTerraced, Freehold | 17 Nov 2000 | £210,000 | First Sale |
BASEMENT FLAT, 12Flat, Leasehold | 14 Mar 2000 | £52,125 | 89.55% |
30 Jul 1996 | £27,500 | 17.02% |
10 Jan 1995 | £23,500 | First Sale |
THE GROUND FLOOR FLAT AT, 12Flat, Leasehold | 14 Mar 2000 | £52,125 | First Sale |
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