ALBERT STREET, ME14 2RN - Information


The ME14 2RN postcode is in Maidstone, Kent postcode town, within South East, England region.

For comprehensive crime statistics in the ME14 2RN area, explore the ME14 2RN Crime Rates page.
To explore detailed house prices and statistics in the ME14 2RN area, visit the ME14 2RN House Prices

Location And Map Details
  • Co-ordinates: [ 0.5194695471011915, 51.282463486125984 ]
  • What 3 Words:
  • Plus Code:
Postcode AreaME14
Middle layer Super Output AreaRinglestone & Central Maidstone
Lower Tier Local AuthorityMaidstone
Upper Tier Local AuthorityKent
RegionSouth East
Travel To Work AreaMedway
Police ForceKent
NHS Care BoardNHS Kent and Medway Integrated Care Board
Electoral wardNorth
Westminster Parliamentary ConstituencyMaidstone and The Weald
Multiple Deprivation Index13489

According to the ONS, The nearby area classification is Private renting new arrivals / Cosmopolitan student neighbourhoods / Rural Growth Areas, while the work-zone classification is Business parks.

Nearby Places

The nearest places is Maidstone(0.66 mi)

  • Maidstone, (0.66 mi)
  • Penenden Heath, (0.84 mi)
  • Allington, (0.91 mi)
Nearby Bus stop

The nearest Bus stop is Springfield(0.07 mi)

  • Springfield, (0.07 mi)
  • Kent History and Library Centre, (0.10 mi)
  • Springfield, (0.11 mi)
  • Kent History and Library Centre, (0.12 mi)
  • Staceys Street, (0.20 mi)
  • Staceys Street, (0.20 mi)
  • Moncktons Lane, (0.23 mi)
  • Moncktons Lane, (0.24 mi)
  • Royal Mail Sorting Office, (0.25 mi)
  • Gallagher Stadium, (0.26 mi)
Nearby Railway Station

The nearest Railway Station is Maidstone East(0.33 mi)

  • Maidstone East, (0.33 mi)
  • Maidstone Barracks, (0.43 mi)
  • Maidstone West, (0.81 mi)
Nearby Airport

The nearest airport is Southend Airport(21.34 mi)

  • Southend Airport, (21.34 mi)
  • Gatwick Airport, (30.80 mi)
  • Stansted Airport, (43.38 mi)
  • Heathrow Terminal 4 Rail, (43.48 mi)
Nearby Schools

Below are the nearest schools to the postcode ordered by distance. (data from

North Borough Junior SchoolPrimary, Good7-11ME14 2BP (0.27 mi)Details
St Paul's Infant SchoolPrimary, Good4-7ME14 2BS (0.31 mi)Details
Maidstone Grammar School for GirlsSecondary, Outstanding11-18ME16 0SF (0.38 mi)Details
The Maplesden Noakes SchoolSecondary, Good11-18ME16 0TJ (0.44 mi)Details
Brunswick House Primary SchoolPrimary, Good5-11ME16 0QQ (0.53 mi)Details
MEPA ACADEMYSecondary, Good11-16ME14 1PF (0.55 mi)Details
Sandling Primary SchoolPrimary, Good4-11ME14 2JG (0.80 mi)Details
Valley Invicta Primary School At East BoroughPrimary, Good4-11ME14 5DX (0.81 mi)Details
Invicta Grammar SchoolSecondary, Outstanding11-18ME14 5DS (0.93 mi)Details
Nearby Nhs GP

The nearest GP to this postcode is BREWER STREET(0.41 mi). Check out the NHS GPs in nearby area.

brewer streetActive4 brewer street, maidstone, kent01622755419ME14 1RU
bower mount medical practiceActive1 bower mount road, maidstone, kent01622756721ME16 8AX
the vine medical centreActivethe vine medical centre, 13 tonbridge road, maidstone, kent01622754898ME16 8RL
the college practiceActivethe college practice, 50-52 college road, maidstone, kent01622752345ME15 6SB
Nearby Amenities
  • SD Catering
    0.28 mi
  • Riverside Bar And Cafe
    0.28 mi
  • Genuine Dining Company At Kent County Council
    0.29 mi
  • Cafe Delicious
    0.30 mi
  • Mu Mu Nightclub Wine Bar And Restaurant
    0.37 mi

ALBERT STREET, ME14 2RN Demographics

(from Census 2021)

The population of ME142RN is 242 compared to England, which has a population of 59,597,542.


The average age of people living in the nearby area is 37 years old. The top three age distributions are: Between 25 to 34 (2944), Between 35 to 44 (2101), and Below 14 (1875).


According to the latest census 2021, The main ethnicity of the people in the immediate area is White: English with a total of 193 people, followed by White: Other White with a total of 28.


Regarding education, 59 adults have Does not apply, while 30 have Level 3.


As for deprivation, most of the area is Not deprived in any dimension (701), followed by at least Deprived in one dimension (327).

The most common occupations in the nearby area are
  • Elementary occupations (27)
  • Associate professional and technical occupations (15), and
  • Professional occupations (14)

In terms of religion, most people mentioned No religion (118), followed by Christian (94).


The NS-SEC defines and measures social class and is considered a reliable indicator of a person's class status. As per the 2021 census, most of the population has Routine occupations (32) followed by Semi-routine occupations (27), and Lower managerial, administrative and professional occupations (26).

Economic Status

Most people in the area mentioned they are Employee: Full-time (1269), and 261 adults mentioned they are Employee: Part-time.

Country of Birth

As per the country of birth, most adults are from the United Kingdom (1685) and Middle East and Asia (633).