BEAUCHAMP AVENUE, PO13 0LG - Information


The PO13 0LG postcode is in Gosport, Hampshire postcode town, within South East, England region.

For comprehensive crime statistics in the PO13 0LG area, explore the PO13 0LG Crime Rates page.
To explore detailed house prices and statistics in the PO13 0LG area, visit the PO13 0LG House Prices

Location And Map Details
  • Co-ordinates: [ -1.1709796067627039, 50.81957535122095 ]
  • What 3 Words: river.fears.gossip
  • Plus Code:
Postcode AreaPO13
Middle layer Super Output AreaBridgemary South
Lower Tier Local AuthorityGosport
Upper Tier Local AuthorityHampshire
RegionSouth East
Travel To Work AreaPortsmouth
Police ForceHampshire
NHS Care BoardNHS Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board
Electoral wardBridgemary
Westminster Parliamentary ConstituencyGosport
Multiple Deprivation Index11030

According to the ONS, The nearby area classification is Industrious transitions / Comfortable neighbourhoods / Service Economy, while the work-zone classification is Manufacturing, energy and utilities.

Nearby Places

The nearest places is Bridgemary(0.40 mi)

  • Bridgemary, (0.40 mi)
  • Fort Brockhurst, (0.78 mi)
  • Bedenham, (0.92 mi)
Nearby Bus stop

The nearest Bus stop is Brading Avenue(0.11 mi)

  • Brading Avenue, (0.11 mi)
  • Brading Avenue, (0.11 mi)
  • Beauchamp Avenue, (0.13 mi)
  • Brewers Lane, (0.13 mi)
  • Beauchamp Avenue, (0.13 mi)
  • Green Crescent, (0.14 mi)
  • Green Crescent, (0.14 mi)
  • Brewers Lane, (0.15 mi)
  • Birchmore Close, (0.18 mi)
  • Birchmore Close, (0.19 mi)
Nearby Railway Station

The nearest Railway Station is Fareham(2.50 mi)

  • Fareham, (2.50 mi)
  • Portchester, (2.79 mi)
  • Portsmouth Harbour, (3.17 mi)
Nearby Airport

The nearest airport is Southampton Airport Parkway(12.37 mi)

  • Southampton Airport Parkway, (12.37 mi)
Nearby Schools

Below are the nearest schools to the postcode ordered by distance. (data from

Rowner JuniorPrimary, Good7-11PO13 0BN (0.27 mi)Details
Rowner Infant SchoolPrimary, Good4-7PO13 0DH (0.28 mi)Details
Bridgemary SchoolSecondary, Requires improvement11-16PO13 0JN (0.33 mi)Details
Holbrook Primary SchoolPrimary, Good4-11PO13 0JN (0.33 mi)Details
Bedenham Primary SchoolPrimary, Good4-11PO13 0XT (0.46 mi)Details
Peel Common Infant School and Nursery UnitPrimary, Good3-7PO13 0QD (0.63 mi)Details
Peel Common Junior SchoolPrimary, Good7-11PO13 0QD (0.63 mi)Details
Grange Infant SchoolPrimary, Good5-7PO13 9TS (0.72 mi)Details
Grange Junior SchoolPrimary, Good7-11PO13 9RX (0.72 mi)Details
Brune Park Community SchoolSecondary, Serious Weaknesses11-16PO12 3BU (0.87 mi)Details
Woodcot Primary SchoolPrimary, Good4-11PO13 0SG (0.95 mi)Details
Nearby Nhs GP

The nearest GP to this postcode is ROWNER HEALTH CENTRE(0.49 mi). Check out the NHS GPs in nearby area.

rowner health centreActiverowner health centre, 143 rowner lane,rowner, gosport, hampshire02392513143PO13 9SP
bridgemary medical centreActivethe bridgemary med. ctr., 2 gregson avenue, bridgemary, gosport, hampshire01329232446PO13 0HR
Nearby Amenities
  • Krishna'S Indian Restaurant
    0.42 mi
  • Campus Snacks
    0.46 mi
  • Bridgemary, Rowner, Woodcot Com. Assoc. Brwca
    0.46 mi
  • Bakers Basket
    0.49 mi
  • New Kung Fu Wok Limited
    0.49 mi
  • Premier Inn
    0.53 mi


(from Census 2021)

The population of PO130LG is 380 compared to England, which has a population of 59,597,542.


The average age of people living in the nearby area is 45 years old. The top three age distributions are: Below 14 (1123), Between 55 to 64 (1089), and Between 65 to 74 (916).


According to the latest census 2021, The main ethnicity of the people in the immediate area is White: English with a total of 359 people, followed by White: Other White with a total of 9.


Regarding education, 82 adults have Level 3, while 56 have No qualifications.


As for deprivation, most of the area is Deprived in one dimension (271), followed by at least Not deprived in any dimension (250).

The most common occupations in the nearby area are
  • Skilled trades occupations (35)
  • Associate professional and technical occupations (24), and
  • Sales and customer service occupations (23)

In terms of religion, most people mentioned No religion (189), followed by Christian (161).


The NS-SEC defines and measures social class and is considered a reliable indicator of a person's class status. As per the 2021 census, most of the population has Lower managerial, administrative and professional occupations (65) followed by Semi-routine occupations (57), and Small employers and own account workers (39).

Economic Status

Most people in the area mentioned they are Retired (384), and 379 adults mentioned they are Employee: Full-time.

Country of Birth

As per the country of birth, most adults are from the United Kingdom (1474) and European Union EU-14 (21).