M24 Postcode Area Information

Avg Annual Income
Full Time Employees
Average Age

Area Overview

The postcode area is located in the Rochdale, Oldham, Bury, Rochdale, Oldham, Bury postcode town, in the North West, England region.

A Major part of this postcode area has a young, diverse community with many residents born in Africa, facing some challenges.


  • Mostly young adults, many born in Africa.
  • Fewer married couples and families with children compared to similar areas.
  • Diverse mix of ethnicities, with Black and mixed backgrounds well-represented.
  • English may not be everyone's main language.


  • Mainly overcrowded flats rented from the government (social housing).


  • Many residents work in basic jobs (elementary occupations).
  • Few residents have college degrees.
  • Not many households have multiple cars.

Overall: a big area of M24 postcode district represents a vibrant and diverse community with a young population. However, many residents face challenges like overcrowded housing, limited English fluency, and basic job opportunities. Remember, this is a general overview, and individual experiences may vary greatly.

It's important to note that this description generalizes the area and individual experiences may vary.

Electoral Wards

The postcode area covers Castleton, Chadderton Central, East Middleton, Holyrood, Hopwood Hall, North Middleton, South Middleton, West Middleton electoral wards.

M24 Postcode Map

M24 Area Demographics
(from Census 2021)

The population of M24 postcode area is 50,446. In England, the male population is 28,833,712 and the female population is 27,656,336, according to the 2021 census.

Ethnicity & Religion

According to the latest 2021 census, The main ethnicity of the people in the area is White: English, with a total of 41,105, followed by African, with a total of 2,572. In terms of religion, most people mentioned Christian (30,084), followed by No religion (15,732).


As for deprivation, most of the area is not deprived in any dimension (9,942), followed by at least deprived in one dimension (7,817).

Economic Status

Most people in the nearby area mentioned they are Employee: Full-time (15,568), while 8,830 adults mentioned they are Retired.


Regarding education, 10,716 adults have Does not apply education, while 6,703 have Level 3 education. The most common occupations are

  • Professional occupations (3488)
  • Elementary occupations (2910), and
  • Caring, leisure and other service occupations (2695)


The average age of people living in area is 41 years old. The top three age distributions are: Below 14 (13908), Between 25 to 34 (9725), and Between 35 to 44 (9622).


The NS-SEC defines and measures social class and is considered a reliable indicator of a person's class status. As per the 2021 census, most of the population has Lower managerial, administrative and professional occupations (6,920) followed by Routine occupations (6,516), and Intermediate occupations (5,214).

Postcodes in M24

There are total 8 postcode sectors present in the M24 (listed below). The postcode M24 has a total of 1817 postcodes.

M24 0DB (terminated)
M24 0DD (terminated)
M24 0BS (terminated)
M24 0BL (terminated)
M24 0BD (terminated)
M24 0BH (terminated)
M24 0BW (terminated)
M24 0DE (terminated)
M24 0DF (terminated)
M24 0DA (terminated)
M24 0DG (terminated)
M24 0BG (terminated)
M24 0BX (terminated)
M24 0BQ (terminated)
M24 0BU (terminated)
M24 0AB (terminated)
M24 0BT (terminated)
M24 0AX (terminated)
M24 0AF (terminated)
M24 0BP (terminated)
M24 0BN (terminated)
M24 0BJ (terminated)
M24 0AY (terminated)
M24 0BF (terminated)
M24 0AE (terminated)
M24 0BB (terminated)
M24 0BE (terminated)
M24 0BA (terminated)
M24 0AJ (terminated)
M24 0AL (terminated)
M24 0AZ (terminated)
M24 0AD (terminated)
M24 0AP (terminated)
M24 0AS (terminated)
M24 0AT (terminated)
M24 0AW (terminated)
M24 0AR (terminated)
M24 1YZ (terminated)
M24 1XS (terminated)
M24 1AW (terminated)
M24 1XN (terminated)
M24 1XY (terminated)
M24 1YN (terminated)
M24 1YP (terminated)
M24 1AH (terminated)
M24 1SX (terminated)
M24 1UT (terminated)
M24 1YH (terminated)
M24 1XA (terminated)
M24 1FD (terminated)
M24 1YE (terminated)
M24 1LY (terminated)
M24 1UF (terminated)
M24 1UP (terminated)
M24 1YL (terminated)
M24 1QX (terminated)
M24 1YG (terminated)
M24 1TZ (terminated)
M24 1HF (terminated)
M24 1UY (terminated)
M24 1YU (terminated)
M24 1UW (terminated)
M24 1NG (terminated)
M24 1UX (terminated)
M24 1XU (terminated)
M24 1YF (terminated)
M24 1ZA (terminated)
M24 1XL (terminated)
M24 1EU (terminated)
M24 1YD (terminated)
M24 1YQ (terminated)
M24 1XD (terminated)
M24 1YW (terminated)
M24 1TG (terminated)
M24 1GP (terminated)
M24 1SU (terminated)
M24 1AL (terminated)
M24 1BW (terminated)
M24 1GL (terminated)
M24 1JE (terminated)
M24 1PL (terminated)
M24 1QE (terminated)
M24 1QQ (terminated)
M24 1SP (terminated)
M24 1UZ (terminated)
M24 1XH (terminated)
M24 1XR (terminated)
M24 1XZ (terminated)
M24 1YJ (terminated)
M24 1YR (terminated)
M24 1ZT (terminated)
M24 1ZY (terminated)
M24 1UE (terminated)
M24 1LT (terminated)
M24 1YS (terminated)
M24 1GG (terminated)
M24 1YA (terminated)
M24 1YY (terminated)
M24 1RB (terminated)
M24 1TP (terminated)
M24 1WN (terminated)
M24 1XG (terminated)
M24 1XT (terminated)
M24 1XF (terminated)
M24 1XP (terminated)
M24 1TW (terminated)
M24 1HD (terminated)
M24 1JF (terminated)
M24 1TS (terminated)
M24 1XB (terminated)
M24 1XE (terminated)
M24 1XQ (terminated)
M24 1QF (terminated)
M24 1TL (terminated)
M24 1LX (terminated)
M24 1US (terminated)
M24 1EH (terminated)
M24 1EJ (terminated)
M24 1XJ (terminated)
M24 1GE (terminated)
M24 1AR (terminated)
M24 1BD (terminated)
M24 1AP (terminated)
M24 1GF (terminated)
M24 1SG (terminated)
M24 1BA (terminated)
M24 1BB (terminated)
M24 1BH (terminated)
M24 1YT (terminated)
M24 1LZ (terminated)
M24 1SB (terminated)
M24 1GJ (terminated)
M24 1GY (terminated)
M24 1GZ (terminated)
M24 1SD (terminated)
M24 1RZ (terminated)
M24 1SY (terminated)
M24 2DD (terminated)
M24 2EJ (terminated)
M24 2NB (terminated)
M24 2QR (terminated)
M24 2UP (terminated)
M24 2XH (terminated)
M24 2GZ (terminated)
M24 2GS (terminated)
M24 2YE (terminated)
M24 2YH (terminated)
M24 2ZY (terminated)
M24 2YF (terminated)
M24 2XW (terminated)
M24 2YY (terminated)
M24 2XR (terminated)
M24 2FT (terminated)
M24 2XT (terminated)
M24 2XQ (terminated)
M24 2XS (terminated)
M24 2XG (terminated)
M24 2QY (terminated)
M24 2XF (terminated)
M24 2UX (terminated)
M24 2UZ (terminated)
M24 2XN (terminated)
M24 2XU (terminated)
M24 2YD (terminated)
M24 2HQ (terminated)
M24 2XX (terminated)
M24 2XZ (terminated)
M24 2TZ (terminated)
M24 2WP (terminated)
M24 2GU (terminated)
M24 2WJ (terminated)
M24 2WZ (terminated)
M24 2XY (terminated)
M24 2XP (terminated)
M24 2XJ (terminated)
M24 2BX (terminated)
M24 2EN (terminated)
M24 2XB (terminated)
M24 2FP (terminated)
M24 2XD (terminated)
M24 2HG (terminated)
M24 2XE (terminated)
M24 2YZ (terminated)
M24 2DA (terminated)
M24 2TX (terminated)
M24 2XA (terminated)
M24 2SW (terminated)
M24 2HN (terminated)
M24 2AB (terminated)
M24 2LL (terminated)
M24 2SZ (terminated)
M24 2TY (terminated)
M24 2FJ (terminated)
M24 2GQ (terminated)
M24 2HH (terminated)
M24 2SQ (terminated)
M24 2YB (terminated)
M24 2QG (terminated)
M24 2YT (terminated)
M24 4DQ (terminated)
M24 4DR (terminated)
M24 4TW (terminated)
M24 4XZ (terminated)
M24 4JY (terminated)
M24 4JX (terminated)
M24 4WE (terminated)
M24 4XX (terminated)
M24 4XA (terminated)
M24 4XW (terminated)
M24 4XE (terminated)
M24 4XH (terminated)
M24 4UZ (terminated)
M24 4HN (terminated)
M24 4HP (terminated)
M24 4HQ (terminated)
M24 4HW (terminated)
M24 4XG (terminated)
M24 4WD (terminated)
M24 4UY (terminated)
M24 4WF (terminated)
M24 4XF (terminated)
M24 4HE (terminated)
M24 4SE (terminated)
M24 4HF (terminated)
M24 4HH (terminated)
M24 4LD (terminated)
M24 4LR (terminated)
M24 4HB (terminated)
M24 4XB (terminated)
M24 4ZY (terminated)
M24 4EE (terminated)
M24 4PL (terminated)
M24 4XD (terminated)
M24 4XQ (terminated)
M24 4XY (terminated)
M24 4WH (terminated)
M24 4WZ (terminated)
M24 4WY (terminated)
M24 4FL (terminated)
M24 4YZ (terminated)
M24 4EF (terminated)
M24 4DD (terminated)
M24 4SX (terminated)
M24 4TS (terminated)
M24 4BY (terminated)
M24 4SG (terminated)
M24 4SW (terminated)
M24 4PP (terminated)
M24 4SS (terminated)
M24 4BS (terminated)
M24 4BW (terminated)
M24 4DS (terminated)
M24 4TD (terminated)
M24 4TF (terminated)
M24 4GW (terminated)
M24 4JZ (terminated)
M24 4XP (terminated)
M24 4BZ (terminated)
M24 4DL (terminated)
M24 4RH (terminated)
M24 4QJ (terminated)
M24 4WJ (terminated)
M24 5WY (terminated)
M24 5ZS (terminated)
M24 5WB (terminated)
M24 5XB (terminated)
M24 5NL (terminated)
M24 5QQ (terminated)
M24 5XY (terminated)
M24 5UZ (terminated)
M24 5WE (terminated)
M24 5WZ (terminated)
M24 5PQ (terminated)
M24 5QX (terminated)
M24 5QY (terminated)
M24 5JZ (terminated)
M24 5XZ (terminated)
M24 5EA (terminated)
M24 5HQ (terminated)
M24 5HR (terminated)
M24 5NZ (terminated)
M24 5DT (terminated)
M24 5TJ (terminated)
M24 5DS (terminated)
M24 5UY (terminated)
M24 5BF (terminated)
M24 5TQ (terminated)
M24 5FA (terminated)
M24 5TW (terminated)
M24 5UX (terminated)
M24 6WB (terminated)
M24 6WU (terminated)
M24 6WX (terminated)
M24 6SW (terminated)
M24 6BT (terminated)
M24 6WW (terminated)
M24 6WA (terminated)
M24 6WY (terminated)
M24 6AD (terminated)
M24 6UW (terminated)
M24 6WZ (terminated)
M24 6BS (terminated)
M24 6BX (terminated)
M24 6XA (terminated)
M24 6BY (terminated)
M24 6TT (terminated)
M24 6UB (terminated)
M24 6JR (terminated)
M24 6BP (terminated)
M24 6JX (terminated)
M24 6AH (terminated)
M24 6TW (terminated)
M24 6GP (terminated)
M24 9YB (terminated)
M24 3AB (terminated)
M24 3AD (terminated)
M24 3AE (terminated)
M24 3AF (terminated)
M24 3AG (terminated)
M24 3AH (terminated)
M24 3AL (terminated)
M24 3AN (terminated)
M24 3AP (terminated)
M24 3AQ (terminated)
M24 3AS (terminated)
M24 3AT (terminated)
M24 3AU (terminated)
M24 3AW (terminated)
M24 3AX (terminated)
M24 3AY (terminated)
M24 3AZ (terminated)
M24 3BA (terminated)
M24 3BB (terminated)
M24 3BD (terminated)
M24 3BE (terminated)
M24 3BH (terminated)
M24 3BJ (terminated)
M24 3BL (terminated)
M24 3BN (terminated)
M24 3BR (terminated)
M24 3BS (terminated)
M24 3BT (terminated)
M24 3BW (terminated)
M24 3DA (terminated)
M24 3DB (terminated)
M24 3DD (terminated)
M24 3DE (terminated)
M24 3DF (terminated)
M24 3DG (terminated)
M24 3DH (terminated)
M24 3DJ (terminated)
M24 3DL (terminated)
M24 3DN (terminated)
M24 3DP (terminated)
M24 3DQ (terminated)
M24 3DR (terminated)
M24 3DS (terminated)
M24 3DT (terminated)
M24 3DU (terminated)
M24 3DW (terminated)
M24 3EE (terminated)
M24 3EF (terminated)
M24 3EG (terminated)
M24 3EH (terminated)
M24 3EJ (terminated)
M24 3EL (terminated)
M24 3EN (terminated)
M24 3EP (terminated)
M24 3EQ (terminated)
M24 3ER (terminated)
M24 3ES (terminated)
M24 3ET (terminated)
M24 3EU (terminated)
M24 3EW (terminated)
M24 3EX (terminated)
M24 3EY (terminated)
M24 3FA (terminated)
M24 3FE (terminated)
M24 3FF (terminated)
M24 3FG (terminated)
M24 3FH (terminated)
M24 3FJ (terminated)
M24 3FL (terminated)
M24 3FN (terminated)
M24 3FP (terminated)
M24 3FQ (terminated)
M24 3FR (terminated)
M24 3FS (terminated)
M24 3FT (terminated)
M24 3FU (terminated)
M24 3FW (terminated)
M24 3FX (terminated)
M24 3GG (terminated)
M24 3GH (terminated)
M24 3GL (terminated)
M24 3GN (terminated)
M24 3GP (terminated)
M24 3GQ (terminated)
M24 3GR (terminated)
M24 3GS (terminated)
M24 3GW (terminated)
M24 3HG (terminated)
M24 3HH (terminated)
M24 3HJ (terminated)
M24 3HL (terminated)
M24 3HN (terminated)
M24 3HP (terminated)
M24 3HQ (terminated)
M24 3HR (terminated)
M24 3HS (terminated)
M24 3HT (terminated)
M24 3HU (terminated)
M24 3HW (terminated)
M24 3HX (terminated)
M24 3HY (terminated)
M24 3HZ (terminated)
M24 3JA (terminated)
M24 3JB (terminated)
M24 3JD (terminated)
M24 3JE (terminated)
M24 3JF (terminated)
M24 3JG (terminated)
M24 3JH (terminated)
M24 3JJ (terminated)
M24 3JL (terminated)
M24 3JN (terminated)
M24 3JP (terminated)
M24 3JQ (terminated)
M24 3JU (terminated)
M24 3JW (terminated)
M24 3JX (terminated)
M24 3JY (terminated)
M24 3JZ (terminated)
M24 3LA (terminated)
M24 3LB (terminated)
M24 3LD (terminated)
M24 3LE (terminated)
M24 3LF (terminated)
M24 3LG (terminated)
M24 3LH (terminated)
M24 3LJ (terminated)
M24 3LL (terminated)
M24 3LP (terminated)
M24 3LQ (terminated)
M24 3LR (terminated)
M24 3LS (terminated)
M24 3LT (terminated)
M24 3LU (terminated)
M24 3LW (terminated)
M24 3LX (terminated)
M24 3LY (terminated)
M24 3LZ (terminated)
M24 3NA (terminated)
M24 3NB (terminated)
M24 3ND (terminated)
M24 3NE (terminated)
M24 3NG (terminated)
M24 3NJ (terminated)
M24 3NL (terminated)
M24 3NN (terminated)
M24 3NP (terminated)
M24 3NQ (terminated)
M24 3NR (terminated)
M24 3NS (terminated)
M24 3NT (terminated)
M24 3NU (terminated)
M24 3NW (terminated)
M24 3PA (terminated)
M24 3PB (terminated)
M24 3PD (terminated)
M24 3PE (terminated)
M24 3PF (terminated)
M24 3PG (terminated)
M24 3PH (terminated)
M24 3PJ (terminated)
M24 3PL (terminated)
M24 3PN (terminated)
M24 3PP (terminated)
M24 3PQ (terminated)
M24 3PR (terminated)
M24 3PS (terminated)
M24 3PT (terminated)
M24 3PU (terminated)
M24 3PW (terminated)
M24 3PX (terminated)
M24 3PY (terminated)
M24 3PZ (terminated)
M24 3QG (terminated)
M24 3QH (terminated)
M24 3QJ (terminated)
M24 3QL (terminated)
M24 3QN (terminated)
M24 3QP (terminated)
M24 3QQ (terminated)
M24 3QR (terminated)
M24 3QS (terminated)
M24 3QT (terminated)
M24 3QU (terminated)
M24 3QW (terminated)
M24 3RA (terminated)
M24 3RB (terminated)
M24 3RD (terminated)
M24 3RE (terminated)
M24 3RF (terminated)
M24 3RG (terminated)
M24 3RH (terminated)
M24 3RJ (terminated)
M24 3RL (terminated)
M24 3RN (terminated)
M24 3RP (terminated)
M24 3RQ (terminated)
M24 3RR (terminated)
M24 3RS (terminated)
M24 3RT (terminated)
M24 3RU (terminated)
M24 3RW (terminated)
M24 3RX (terminated)
M24 3RY (terminated)
M24 3RZ (terminated)
M24 3SA (terminated)
M24 3SB (terminated)
M24 3SD (terminated)
M24 3SE (terminated)
M24 3SF (terminated)
M24 3SH (terminated)
M24 3SW (terminated)
M24 3TE (terminated)
M24 3TF (terminated)
M24 3TJ (terminated)
M24 3TN (terminated)
M24 3TP (terminated)
M24 3TQ (terminated)
M24 3TR (terminated)
M24 3TS (terminated)
M24 3TT (terminated)
M24 3TU (terminated)
M24 3TW (terminated)
M24 3TX (terminated)
M24 3TY (terminated)
M24 3TZ (terminated)
M24 3UA (terminated)
M24 3UB (terminated)
M24 3UD (terminated)
M24 3UE (terminated)
M24 3UF (terminated)
M24 3UG (terminated)
M24 3UJ (terminated)
M24 3UN (terminated)
M24 3UQ (terminated)
M24 3UW (terminated)
M24 3UX (terminated)
M24 3UY (terminated)
M24 3UZ (terminated)
M24 3WA (terminated)
M24 3WG (terminated)
M24 3WJ (terminated)
M24 3WL (terminated)
M24 3WN (terminated)
M24 3WP (terminated)
M24 3WQ (terminated)
M24 3WR (terminated)
M24 3WS (terminated)
M24 3WT (terminated)
M24 3WW (terminated)
M24 3XE (terminated)
M24 3XF (terminated)
M24 3XH (terminated)
M24 3XJ (terminated)
M24 3XL (terminated)
M24 3XN (terminated)
M24 3XW (terminated)
M24 3ED (terminated)
M24 3GJ (terminated)
M24 3LN (terminated)
M24 3TA (terminated)
M24 3UL (terminated)
M24 3UT (terminated)
M24 3BP (terminated)
M24 3JR (terminated)
M24 3TL (terminated)
M24 3AA (terminated)
M24 3DX (terminated)
M24 3TB (terminated)
M24 3HA (terminated)
M24 3UH (terminated)
M24 3UR (terminated)
ONS Administrative Info


Chadderton Central

East Middleton


Hopwood Hall

North Middleton

South Middleton

West Middleton

LTLA22Rochdale, Oldham, Bury
UTLA22Rochdale, Oldham, Bury
RegionNorth West

M24 Crime Statstics

Crime rate over the last 12 Months

Crime rate by Month


Violence and sexual offences


Violence and sexual offences


Other theft


Public order


Vehicle crime


Violence and sexual offences


Violence and sexual offences


Criminal damage and arson


Public order


Violence and sexual offences


Vehicle crime


Violence and sexual offences


Violence and sexual offences


Violence and sexual offences

M24 Property Statstics

Sold House Prices over the last 12 Months

Sold House Prices by Month

House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Semi-Detached£220,000.00£220,000.00 - £220,000.001
Terraced£153,750.00£103,000.00 - £208,000.004
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Other£301,833.33£85,500.00 - £410,000.003
Semi-Detached£214,500.00£180,000.00 - £242,500.003
Terraced£172,500.00£121,000.00 - £208,000.005
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£350,000.00£350,000.00 - £350,000.001
Semi-Detached£228,500.00£127,000.00 - £275,000.003
Terraced£91,000.00£91,000.00 - £91,000.001
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£292,500.00£292,500.00 - £292,500.001
Flat£133,375.00£120,000.00 - £146,750.002
Semi-Detached£211,375.00£93,750.00 - £425,000.009
Terraced£137,166.67£77,000.00 - £220,000.007
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Flat£63,545.45£41,000.00 - £85,000.0011
Other£206,666.67£165,000.00 - £290,000.003
Semi-Detached£228,658.33£110,000.00 - £275,650.008
Terraced£170,000.00£145,000.00 - £185,000.005
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Flat£113,500.00£99,000.00 - £139,000.004
Semi-Detached£195,530.00£135,000.00 - £282,100.0015
Terraced£150,614.75£55,000.00 - £222,500.0013
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£382,500.00£235,000.00 - £530,000.002
Flat£103,111.11£66,000.00 - £137,500.009
Other£87,715.00£860.00 - £240,000.004
Semi-Detached£247,759.62£135,000.00 - £388,000.0019
Terraced£115,700.00£90,000.00 - £180,000.0017
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Semi-Detached£208,125.00£182,500.00 - £240,000.003
Terraced£165,000.00£165,000.00 - £165,000.001
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£260,000.00£260,000.00 - £260,000.001
Flat£240,000.00£240,000.00 - £240,000.001
Other£154,250.00£127,000.00 - £170,000.003
Semi-Detached£240,368.75£165,000.00 - £457,500.009
Terraced£136,945.00£60,000.00 - £500,000.0011
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£371,416.67£160,000.00 - £1,276,000.004
Flat£101,400.00£67,000.00 - £120,000.005
Semi-Detached£206,875.00£115,000.00 - £250,000.0011
Terraced£177,228.57£110,500.00 - £255,000.0012
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£270,000.00£270,000.00 - £270,000.002
Flat£93,500.00£62,000.00 - £123,500.003
Semi-Detached£235,800.00£166,000.00 - £418,000.0015
Terraced£202,138.89£90,000.00 - £462,500.0012
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£337,500.00£250,000.00 - £425,000.002
Flat£118,666.67£101,000.00 - £130,000.003
Other£70,000.00£60,000.00 - £80,000.002
Semi-Detached£225,680.56£150,000.00 - £325,000.0017
Terraced£163,090.86£117,500.00 - £206,000.0014
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£359,433.33£202,000.00 - £554,000.0011
Flat£97,062.50£46,250.00 - £132,000.004
Semi-Detached£229,500.00£170,000.00 - £285,000.0012
Terraced£155,619.23£60,000.00 - £284,000.0023
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£259,222.22£161,000.00 - £345,000.009
Flat£96,000.00£80,000.00 - £121,000.007
Other£300,000.00£300,000.00 - £300,000.001
Semi-Detached£220,417.31£117,000.00 - £350,000.0041
Terraced£158,472.22£102,000.00 - £320,000.0021
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£358,750.00£180,000.00 - £500,000.004
Flat£86,166.67£68,000.00 - £102,500.003
Other£225,000.00£225,000.00 - £225,000.001
Semi-Detached£245,465.91£156,000.00 - £385,000.0015
Terraced£177,809.90£146,000.00 - £218,500.0011
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£270,500.00£270,000.00 - £271,000.002
Other£270,000.00£270,000.00 - £270,000.001
Semi-Detached£178,071.43£119,000.00 - £235,000.009
Terraced£138,333.33£77,000.00 - £200,000.006
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£302,500.00£225,000.00 - £525,000.003
Flat£147,900.00£72,500.00 - £405,000.005
Semi-Detached£237,461.44£115,000.00 - £425,000.0026
Terraced£156,254.44£89,000.00 - £245,000.0024
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£299,375.00£242,500.00 - £358,000.004
Flat£139,821.43£91,500.00 - £330,000.007
Other£219,300.00£130,000.00 - £342,200.003
Semi-Detached£227,169.34£100,000.00 - £360,000.0020
Terraced£163,526.60£90,000.00 - £315,000.0025
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£402,500.00£375,000.00 - £430,000.002
Flat£126,600.00£60,000.00 - £405,000.0010
Other£195,000.00£195,000.00 - £195,000.001
Semi-Detached£232,603.12£105,000.00 - £410,000.0037
Terraced£153,872.37£90,000.00 - £263,000.0027
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£355,206.67£178,500.00 - £530,000.006
Flat£87,166.67£36,500.00 - £115,000.003
Other£140,000.00£140,000.00 - £140,000.001
Semi-Detached£221,821.97£90,000.00 - £340,000.0033
Terraced£179,847.53£100,000.00 - £300,000.0027
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£387,250.00£210,000.00 - £580,000.004
Flat£93,600.00£30,000.00 - £128,500.005
Other£250,000.00£250,000.00 - £250,000.001
Semi-Detached£222,108.49£107,000.00 - £325,000.0028
Terraced£140,948.75£72,000.00 - £242,000.0026
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£359,250.00£270,000.00 - £397,500.006
Flat£103,300.00£82,500.00 - £130,000.005
Other£132,000.00£132,000.00 - £132,000.001
Semi-Detached£223,877.54£75,000.00 - £370,000.0035
Terraced£158,744.79£39,000.00 - £295,500.0028
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£437,500.00£350,000.00 - £500,000.004
Flat£79,000.00£53,000.00 - £105,000.002
Other£910,000.00£910,000.00 - £910,000.001
Semi-Detached£219,964.39£125,000.00 - £352,000.0024
Terraced£152,669.47£55,000.00 - £200,000.0034
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£273,750.00£225,000.00 - £325,000.004
Flat£124,278.57£43,000.00 - £390,000.007
Other£663,125.00£500.00 - £1,280,000.004
Semi-Detached£209,920.83£125,000.00 - £421,000.0027
Terraced£168,177.22£80,000.00 - £236,000.0027
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£390,053.89£240,000.00 - £976,000.008
Flat£88,000.00£56,000.00 - £125,000.004
Other£1,913,275.00£226,550.00 - £3,600,000.002
Semi-Detached£221,596.59£115,000.00 - £550,000.0033
Terraced£161,716.89£50,000.00 - £442,500.0026
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£489,083.33£285,000.00 - £785,000.006
Flat£96,403.29£63,373.00 - £115,000.007
Other£797,292.00£797,292.00 - £797,292.001
Semi-Detached£197,463.56£70,588.00 - £365,000.0027
Terraced£126,228.03£70,588.00 - £228,500.0026
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£296,720.56£237,995.00 - £550,000.0010
Flat£89,428.57£65,000.00 - £115,000.007
Other£142,625.00£62,000.00 - £215,000.004
Semi-Detached£213,798.63£130,000.00 - £408,000.0033
Terraced£142,709.62£77,000.00 - £250,000.0026
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£269,983.33£220,000.00 - £305,000.003
Flat£81,500.00£78,000.00 - £85,000.002
Other£157,500.00£157,500.00 - £157,500.001
Semi-Detached£207,965.00£80,000.00 - £357,500.0017
Terraced£158,379.99£78,000.00 - £215,000.0024

Sunny Brow Nursery SchoolNursery, Outstanding58 3-4M244AD
Alkrington Primary SchoolPrimary, Good478 2-11M241JZ
Boarshaw Community Primary SchoolPrimary, Good376 3-11M242PB
Elm Wood Primary SchoolPrimary, Good431 2-11M242EG
Hollin Primary SchoolPrimary, Outstanding352 3-11M246JG
Parkfield Primary SchoolPrimary, Good211 4-11M244AF
St John's VA Church of England Primary School, ThornhamPrimary, Good98 4-11M242SB
St Gabriel's Church of England Primary SchoolPrimary, Good223 3-11M242BE
Little Heaton Church of England Primary SchoolPrimary, Requires improvement171 5-11M244PU
St Peter's Roman Catholic Primary School, RochdalePrimary, Good242 4-11M241FL
St Mary's Roman Catholic Primary School, MiddletonPrimary, Good456 3-11M245GL
St Thomas More Roman Catholic Primary School, Middleton, RochdalePrimary, Good342 3-11M241PY
Middleton Parish Church SchoolPrimary, Good437 3-11M245DL
St Michael's Church of England Primary School, AlkringtonPrimary, Requires improvement208 4-11M241GD
Cardinal Langley Roman Catholic High SchoolSecondary, Good1199 11-18M242GL
St John Fisher Roman Catholic Primary School, RochdalePrimary, Good209 4-11M242PB
Bowlee Park Community Primary SchoolPrimary, Outstanding890 3-11M244LA
Newlands SchoolSpecial, Good120 3-11M246JG
St Anne's Church of England AcademySecondary, Requires improvement784 11-16M246XN
Middleton Technology SchoolSecondary, Good1349 11-16M242GT
  • Premier, M24 2NU
  • Oh Sweetie, M24 2FD
  • Alkrington Service Station, M24 1DE
  • Anis, M24 5LE
  • Applebys Specialities, M24 4DF
  • GMC Supplies Ltd V-Lodge, M24 4RF
  • Improve My Golf, M24 4SB
  • Sultan Bar and Grill, M24 6AE
  • Radclyffe Arms, M24 1GQ
  • Railway and Linnet, M24 1GQ
  • Alkrington Tennis & Social Clu, M24 1EA
  • Dorbiere Ltd c/o LWC Drinks Ltd, M24 1SW
  • LWC Drinks Ltd, M24 1SW
  • Bistro, M24 6XH
  • Kickstart with Hope, M24 1TQ
  • Thinc Cafe, M24 6XH
  • My Chippy, M24 2EE
  • MyMasalla, M24 1QG
  • Antonios Italian Kitchen and Pizzeria, M24 2DP
  • Barbecue, M24 6AF
  • BLT, M24 5LF
  • Chi Yip Groups, M24 1SW
  • Booker Cash & Carry, M24 2FL
  • Romac Logistics LTD, M24 2FL
  • D & A Tetlow & Co, M24 2SD
  • Fisherfield Childcare, M24 6UW
  • Heaton Park View Nursery, M24 4GY
  • Baytree Park Private Day Nursery, M24 2AZ
  • Adorable Steps Childcare Ltd, M24 4HZ
  • Alkrington Pre School @ St Michaels Primary School, M24 1GD
  • Boost Box Prep Meals, M24 6DQ
  • Active Youth Zone, M24 1HN
  • Admiral Casino, M24 4EL
  • Cardinal Langley RC High School, M24 2GL
  • Stanycliffe Social Centre, M24 2PB
  • Mills Hill Playgroup, M24 2FD
  • After School And Breakfast Club, M24 2BE
  • Alkrington C P School, M24 1JZ
  • Boarshaw County Primary School, M24 2PB
  • Bowlee Community Primary School, M24 4LA
  • Aldi Stores Limited, M24 2RP
  • Aldi Stores Ltd, M24 4FH
  • Aldi Stores Ltd, M24 5AS
  • Iceland, M24 4EL
  • Tesco, M24 1LW
  • DY's Mobile Catering, M24 6AU
  • Kisa's Kitchen, M24 2RA
  • The Dinky Drinkerie, M24 1AG