M52 Postcode Area Information

Avg Annual Income
Full Time Employees
Average Age

Area Overview

The postcode area is located in the Manchester, Manchester postcode town, in the North West, England region.

Electoral Wards

The postcode area covers Fallowfield electoral wards.

M52 Postcode Map

M52 Area Demographics
(from Census 2021)

The population of M52 postcode area is 1,025. In England, the male population is 28,833,712 and the female population is 27,656,336, according to the 2021 census.

Ethnicity & Religion

According to the latest 2021 census, The main ethnicity of the people in the area is White: English, with a total of 694, followed by White: Other White, with a total of 85. In terms of religion, most people mentioned No religion (601), followed by Christian (210).


As for deprivation, most of the area is not deprived in any dimension (359), followed by at least deprived in one dimension (338).

Economic Status

Most people in the nearby area mentioned they are Student (1,342), while 437 adults mentioned they are Employee: Full-time.


Regarding education, 853 adults have Level 3 education, while 19 have Level 2 education. The most common occupations are

  • Sales and customer service occupations (49)
  • Professional occupations (34), and
  • Elementary occupations (34)


The average age of people living in area is 26 years old. The top three age distributions are: Between 15 to 24 (7214), Between 25 to 34 (1241), and Below 14 (839).


The NS-SEC defines and measures social class and is considered a reliable indicator of a person's class status. As per the 2021 census, most of the population has Full-time students (953) followed by Lower managerial, administrative and professional occupations (12), and Intermediate occupations (12).

Postcodes in M52

There are total 1 postcode sectors present in the M52 (listed below). The postcode M52 has a total of 85 postcodes.

M52 1AA (terminated)
M52 1AB (terminated)
M52 1AD (terminated)
M52 1AE (terminated)
M52 1BA (terminated)
M52 1BB (terminated)
M52 1BD (terminated)
M52 1BE (terminated)
M52 1DA (terminated)
M52 1DB (terminated)
M52 1DD (terminated)
M52 1DE (terminated)
M52 1EA (terminated)
M52 1EB (terminated)
M52 1ED (terminated)
M52 1FA (terminated)
M52 1FB (terminated)
M52 1FD (terminated)
M52 1FE (terminated)
M52 1GA (terminated)
M52 1GB (terminated)
M52 1GD (terminated)
M52 1GE (terminated)
M52 1HA (terminated)
M52 1HB (terminated)
M52 1HD (terminated)
M52 1HE (terminated)
M52 1JA (terminated)
M52 1JB (terminated)
M52 1JD (terminated)
M52 1JE (terminated)
M52 1LA (terminated)
M52 1LB (terminated)
M52 1LD (terminated)
M52 1LE (terminated)
M52 1NA (terminated)
M52 1NB (terminated)
M52 1ND (terminated)
M52 1NE (terminated)
M52 1PA (terminated)
M52 1PB (terminated)
M52 1PD (terminated)
M52 1PE (terminated)
M52 1QA (terminated)
M52 1QB (terminated)
M52 1QD (terminated)
M52 1QE (terminated)
M52 1RA (terminated)
M52 1RB (terminated)
M52 1RD (terminated)
M52 1RE (terminated)
M52 1SA (terminated)
M52 1SB (terminated)
M52 1SD (terminated)
M52 1TA (terminated)
M52 1TB (terminated)
M52 1TD (terminated)
M52 1UA (terminated)
M52 1UB (terminated)
M52 1UD (terminated)
M52 1WA (terminated)
M52 1WB (terminated)
M52 1WD (terminated)
M52 1WX (terminated)
M52 1XA (terminated)
M52 1XB (terminated)
M52 1XD (terminated)
M52 1YA (terminated)
M52 1YB (terminated)
M52 1YD (terminated)
M52 1ZA (terminated)
M52 1ZB (terminated)
M52 1ZD (terminated)
M52 1ZE (terminated)
M52 1ZF (terminated)
M52 1ZG (terminated)
M52 1ZH (terminated)
M52 1ZJ (terminated)
M52 1ZL (terminated)
M52 1ZN (terminated)
M52 1ZP (terminated)
ONS Administrative Info


RegionNorth West

M52 Crime Statstics

Crime rate over the last 12 Months

Crime rate by Month

M52 Property Statstics

Sold House Prices over the last 12 Months

Sold House Prices by Month

