TQ6 Postcode Area Information

Avg Annual Income
Full Time Employees
Average Age

Area Overview

The postcode area is located in the South Hams, Devon postcode town, in the South West, England region.

A Major part of this postcode area describes a community with a younger population compared to the surrounding area, living mainly in flats.


  • More residents are below retirement age than the average.
  • Most people live in flats, more than any other postcode in the group.
  • Few residents live in care homes or communal establishments.
  • This is the least diverse community within the "Ageing Communities" group in terms of ethnicity.


  • Many residents work in managerial and professional roles, similar to the surrounding area.
  • Few residents have jobs in manual or basic labor positions.

A Major part of this postcode area represents a younger and less diverse community compared to the surrounding area. Residents tend to live in flats and work in professional roles.

It's important to note that this description generalizes the area and individual experiences may vary.

Electoral Wards

The postcode area covers Allington & Strete, Dartmouth & East Dart, West Dart electoral wards.

TQ6 Postcode Map

TQ6 Area Demographics
(from Census 2021)

The population of TQ6 postcode area is 7,856. In England, the male population is 28,833,712 and the female population is 27,656,336, according to the 2021 census.

Ethnicity & Religion

According to the latest 2021 census, The main ethnicity of the people in the area is White: English, with a total of 7,311, followed by White: Other White, with a total of 225. In terms of religion, most people mentioned Christian (3,955), followed by No religion (3,227).


As for deprivation, most of the area is not deprived in any dimension (2,528), followed by at least deprived in one dimension (1,734).

Economic Status

Most people in the nearby area mentioned they are Retired (3,472), while 1,911 adults mentioned they are Employee: Full-time.


Regarding education, 2,424 adults have Level 4 education, while 1,081 have No qualifications education. The most common occupations are

  • Managers, directors and senior officials (645)
  • Skilled trades occupations (530), and
  • Professional occupations (436)


The average age of people living in area is 51 years old. The top three age distributions are: Between 65 to 74 (3449), Between 55 to 64 (3287), and Between 75 to 100 (2929).


The NS-SEC defines and measures social class and is considered a reliable indicator of a person's class status. As per the 2021 census, most of the population has Lower managerial, administrative and professional occupations (1,476) followed by Small employers and own account workers (1,316), and Higher managerial, administrative and professional occupations (1,012).

Postcodes in TQ6

There are total 3 postcode sectors present in the TQ6 (listed below). The postcode TQ6 has a total of 553 postcodes.

TQ6 0EP (terminated)
TQ6 0YD (terminated)
TQ6 0ZN (terminated)
TQ6 0WT (terminated)
TQ6 0WU (terminated)
TQ6 0YA (terminated)
TQ6 0XJ (terminated)
TQ6 0WW (terminated)
TQ6 0ZQ (terminated)
TQ6 0WY (terminated)
TQ6 0WZ (terminated)
TQ6 0YE (terminated)
TQ6 0YQ (terminated)
TQ6 0NG (terminated)
TQ6 0ZJ (terminated)
TQ6 0XA (terminated)
TQ6 0WG (terminated)
TQ6 0YT (terminated)
TQ6 0YH (terminated)
TQ6 0YR (terminated)
TQ6 0YP (terminated)
TQ6 0EB (terminated)
TQ6 0YN (terminated)
TQ6 0YJ (terminated)
TQ6 0YL (terminated)
TQ6 0YF (terminated)
TQ6 0NL (terminated)
TQ6 0BL (terminated)
TQ6 0YB (terminated)
TQ6 0EL (terminated)
TQ6 0JJ (terminated)
TQ6 0JU (terminated)
TQ6 0SZ (terminated)
TQ6 0XB (terminated)
TQ6 0NN (terminated)
TQ6 6AS (terminated)
TQ6 6AZ (terminated)
TQ6 6AU (terminated)
TQ6 6AW (terminated)
TQ6 6AJ (terminated)
TQ6 6AL (terminated)
TQ6 6AR (terminated)
TQ6 6AQ (terminated)
TQ6 6AN (terminated)
TQ6 6AH (terminated)
TQ6 6AF (terminated)
TQ6 6AG (terminated)
TQ6 6EA (terminated)
TQ6 6AB (terminated)
TQ6 9SB (terminated)
TQ6 9BD (terminated)
TQ6 9NN (terminated)
TQ6 9YP (terminated)
TQ6 9AE (terminated)
TQ6 9QF (terminated)
TQ6 9YR (terminated)
TQ6 9WW (terminated)
TQ6 9WZ (terminated)
TQ6 9AR (terminated)
TQ6 9ZN (terminated)
TQ6 9BT (terminated)
TQ6 9WT (terminated)
TQ6 9DD (terminated)
TQ6 9WP (terminated)
TQ6 9EU (terminated)
TQ6 9BY (terminated)
TQ6 9WB (terminated)
TQ6 9WR (terminated)
TQ6 9WQ (terminated)
TQ6 9WS (terminated)
TQ6 9WU (terminated)
TQ6 9WY (terminated)
TQ6 9TX (terminated)
TQ6 9BG (terminated)
TQ6 9ZQ (terminated)
TQ6 9ZX (terminated)
TQ6 9RZ (terminated)
TQ6 9XY (terminated)
TQ6 9WA (terminated)
TQ6 9PU (terminated)
TQ6 9YG (terminated)
TQ6 9YX (terminated)
TQ6 9YS (terminated)
TQ6 9YN (terminated)
TQ6 9LP (terminated)
TQ6 9YE (terminated)
TQ6 9YQ (terminated)
TQ6 9YZ (terminated)
TQ6 9YB (terminated)
TQ6 9DN (terminated)
TQ6 9NA (terminated)
TQ6 9YH (terminated)
TQ6 9YL (terminated)
TQ6 9YA (terminated)
TQ6 9YD (terminated)
TQ6 9YF (terminated)
TQ6 9YJ (terminated)
TQ6 9LL (terminated)
TQ6 9LN (terminated)
TQ6 9DE (terminated)
TQ6 9HE (terminated)
TQ6 9NT (terminated)
TQ6 9AU (terminated)
TQ6 9NQ (terminated)
TQ6 9JB (terminated)
TQ6 9TY (terminated)
TQ6 9PP (terminated)
TQ6 9TW (terminated)
TQ6 9AZ (terminated)
TQ6 9EH (terminated)
TQ6 9TS (terminated)
TQ6 9SF (terminated)
TQ6 9TT (terminated)
TQ6 9TU (terminated)
ONS Administrative Info

Allington & Strete

Dartmouth & East Dart

West Dart

LTLA22South Hams
RegionSouth West

TQ6 Crime Statstics

Crime rate over the last 12 Months

Crime rate by Month


Anti-social behaviour




Criminal damage and arson


Other theft


Public order




Vehicle crime


Violence and sexual offences


Anti-social behaviour


Criminal damage and arson


Other theft


Possession of weapons


Public order


Violence and sexual offences


Anti-social behaviour


Criminal damage and arson




Other crime


Other theft




Violence and sexual offences


Anti-social behaviour


Criminal damage and arson




Other crime






Vehicle crime


Violence and sexual offences

TQ6 Property Statstics

Sold House Prices over the last 12 Months

Sold House Prices by Month

House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£591,750.00£575,000.00 - £608,500.002
Flat£340,000.00£340,000.00 - £340,000.001
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Semi-Detached£361,000.00£250,000.00 - £472,000.002
Terraced£505,000.00£360,000.00 - £650,000.002
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Terraced£395,500.00£395,500.00 - £395,500.001
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£657,500.00£315,000.00 - £1,000,000.002
Flat£207,000.00£207,000.00 - £207,000.001
Semi-Detached£625,000.00£575,000.00 - £675,000.002
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Flat£290,000.00£90,000.00 - £490,000.003
Semi-Detached£585,000.00£275,000.00 - £850,000.004
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£676,250.00£370,000.00 - £1,415,000.003
Flat£444,250.00£187,000.00 - £620,000.004
Other£60,000.00£60,000.00 - £60,000.001
Semi-Detached£580,000.00£580,000.00 - £580,000.001
Terraced£339,375.00£195,000.00 - £525,000.004
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£661,117.80£248,089.00 - £987,500.005
Flat£349,687.50£75,000.00 - £875,000.009
Other£360,500.00£31,500.00 - £685,000.004
Semi-Detached£715,000.00£715,000.00 - £715,000.001
Terraced£723,500.00£230,000.00 - £1,150,000.006
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Flat£459,950.00£459,950.00 - £459,950.001
Semi-Detached£850,000.00£850,000.00 - £850,000.001
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£917,500.00£565,000.00 - £1,270,000.002
Flat£385,000.00£260,000.00 - £510,000.003
Semi-Detached£315,000.00£315,000.00 - £315,000.001
Terraced£501,250.00£287,500.00 - £715,000.002
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£903,230.00£600,000.00 - £1,206,460.002
Flat£177,250.00£129,500.00 - £225,000.002
Other£415,000.00£415,000.00 - £415,000.001
Terraced£387,500.00£387,500.00 - £387,500.001
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£793,000.00£650,000.00 - £900,000.005
Flat£356,875.00£107,500.00 - £775,000.004
Semi-Detached£453,000.00£453,000.00 - £453,000.001
Terraced£452,187.50£235,000.00 - £850,000.008
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£792,500.00£635,000.00 - £950,000.002
Flat£578,850.00£266,400.00 - £980,000.004
Semi-Detached£350,000.00£350,000.00 - £350,000.001
Terraced£313,750.00£120,000.00 - £455,000.004
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£1,645,000.00£1,645,000.00 - £1,645,000.001
Flat£233,333.33£200,000.00 - £250,000.003
Terraced£192,033.33£62,000.00 - £328,100.004
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£916,250.00£430,000.00 - £2,125,000.008
Flat£715,000.00£480,000.00 - £950,000.002
Other£247,000.00£79,000.00 - £415,000.003
Semi-Detached£475,000.00£475,000.00 - £475,000.001
Terraced£317,400.00£280,000.00 - £347,000.005
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£1,206,875.00£562,500.00 - £2,725,000.004
Flat£265,000.00£265,000.00 - £265,000.001
Terraced£249,950.00£249,950.00 - £249,950.001
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£2,775,000.00£2,775,000.00 - £2,775,000.001
Flat£281,805.50£202,500.00 - £361,111.002
Other£38,000.00£38,000.00 - £38,000.001
Terraced£742,770.00£742,770.00 - £742,770.001
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£1,605,000.00£985,000.00 - £2,225,000.002
Flat£393,571.43£125,000.00 - £1,000,000.007
Semi-Detached£785,000.00£600,000.00 - £970,000.002
Terraced£340,833.33£260,000.00 - £550,000.006
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£821,245.00£361,225.00 - £1,850,000.005
Flat£417,785.71£147,500.00 - £960,000.007
Other£433,250.00£68,000.00 - £1,310,000.003
Semi-Detached£444,000.00£263,000.00 - £625,000.002
Terraced£311,800.00£190,000.00 - £510,000.005
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£607,830.83£425,000.00 - £1,280,000.004
Flat£513,400.00£142,000.00 - £885,000.005
Other£47,500.00£40,000.00 - £55,000.002
Semi-Detached£597,500.00£320,000.00 - £875,000.002
Terraced£619,000.00£305,000.00 - £1,410,000.004
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£680,000.00£540,000.00 - £820,000.002
Flat£495,000.00£475,000.00 - £515,000.002
Other£352,625.00£76,000.00 - £675,000.004
Semi-Detached£447,190.00£113,200.00 - £1,100,000.005
Terraced£209,906.25£76,000.00 - £525,000.009
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£769,800.00£405,000.00 - £985,000.005
Flat£422,500.00£225,000.00 - £660,000.006
Other£61,250.00£40,000.00 - £82,500.002
Semi-Detached£451,375.00£402,750.00 - £500,000.002
Terraced£705,571.43£230,000.00 - £2,400,000.007
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£405,000.00£340,000.00 - £470,000.002
Flat£234,500.00£152,000.00 - £317,000.002
Other£451,000.00£52,000.00 - £850,000.002
Terraced£375,500.00£277,000.00 - £475,000.004
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£592,500.00£480,000.00 - £760,000.003
Flat£402,500.00£65,000.00 - £740,000.002
Semi-Detached£582,500.00£582,500.00 - £582,500.001
Terraced£270,000.00£270,000.00 - £270,000.001
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£1,214,333.33£371,000.00 - £2,600,000.006
Flat£435,312.50£325,000.00 - £760,000.005
Semi-Detached£679,237.50£469,950.00 - £1,100,000.004
Terraced£320,642.86£225,000.00 - £525,000.007
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£1,131,750.00£425,500.00 - £1,900,000.006
Flat£386,250.00£225,000.00 - £725,000.004
Other£85,750.00£45,000.00 - £166,000.004
Semi-Detached£500,000.00£500,000.00 - £500,000.001
Terraced£274,900.00£85,000.00 - £550,000.006
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£953,561.25£408,000.00 - £2,700,000.005
Flat£354,666.67£300,000.00 - £450,000.003
Other£236,000.00£52,000.00 - £420,000.002
Semi-Detached£290,000.00£290,000.00 - £290,000.001
Terraced£268,000.00£200,000.00 - £379,000.003
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£1,715,000.00£1,700,000.00 - £1,730,000.002
Flat£452,777.78£195,000.00 - £900,000.009
Other£150,000.00£32,500.00 - £420,000.003
Semi-Detached£407,500.00£360,000.00 - £455,000.002
Terraced£415,800.00£179,000.00 - £710,000.005
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£636,250.00£485,000.00 - £960,000.004
Flat£597,375.00£167,500.00 - £1,000,000.003
Other£66,666.67£60,000.00 - £75,000.003
Semi-Detached£396,664.17£330,000.00 - £454,995.004
Terraced£402,833.33£215,000.00 - £580,000.006

Dartmouth AcademySecondary, Good405 3-19TQ69HW
St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School, DartmouthPrimary, Good82 4-11TQ69HW
Stoke Fleming Community Primary SchoolPrimary, Good136 5-11TQ60QA
Kingswear Community Primary SchoolPrimary, Good29 5-11TQ60BJ
  • Camelot B&B, TQ6 9RX
  • Manna From Devon/Holly Jones Ltd, TQ6 0DE
  • Stoke Lodge Hotel, TQ6 0RA
  • Townstal Farmhouse B&B, TQ6 9HY
  • Anchor House, TQ6 9DZ
  • Dartmouth & District Conservative Club, TQ6 9SA
  • Dartmouth Bowling Club, TQ6 9RY
  • Ferry Boat Inn, TQ6 0EX
  • Floating Bridge, TQ6 9PQ
  • The Crab & Bucket, TQ6 9BH
  • Anchorstone Cafe, TQ6 0EX
  • Ash Tree Farm, TQ6 0LR
  • Castle Tearooms, TQ6 0JN
  • Compass at Britannia Royal Naval College, TQ6 0HJ
  • Dartmouth AFC, TQ6 9LW
  • Co-op, TQ6 9AB
  • Marks & Spencer Simply Foods, TQ6 9NF
  • Lidl UK Ltd, TQ6 9LW
  • Crab Shell, TQ6 9SG
  • Rockfish Takeaway, TQ6 9AN
  • Saveurs... Limited, TQ6 9QE
  • Tsang's Restaurant, TQ6 9AB
  • Vinos Pizzeria & Grill, TQ6 9RT
  • Frank Henry DH181, TQ6 0QX
  • Stoke Fleming Pre-School, TQ6 0QA
  • Beacon House, TQ6 9HQ
  • Dartmouth Caring, TQ6 9SE
  • Hyne Town House, TQ6 0RU
  • Northernhay Retirement Home, TQ6 9HL
  • Black Ash Company, TQ6 0RW
  • Dittisham Fruit Farm, TQ6 0JE
  • Jack Elliott Fishing (Newbrook DH149), TQ6 0LB
  • Dartmouth Fine Foods Ltd, TQ6 9HU
  • Dartmouth Ice Cream Company, TQ6 9AN
  • Amenity Hut Royal Avenue Garden, TQ6 9DP
  • Argos Ltd, TQ6 9AH
  • Dartmouth Masonic Lodge, TQ6 9AJ
  • Dartmouth Town Council, TQ6 9RY
  • Entertaining Food Ltd, TQ6 9SZ
  • Caravan & Motorhome Club, TQ6 0RU
  • Fast Rabbit Farm, TQ6 0LR
  • Little Cotton Caravan Park, TQ6 0LB
  • Post Office and Stores, TQ6 0RW
  • Stoke Fleming Village Shop, TQ6 0NR
  • Dartmouth Fine Foods - Mobile Catering, TQ6 9HU
  • Humpty Dumpty Childcare Ltd, TQ6 9HW
  • Kingswear Community Primary School, TQ6 0BJ
  • Dartmouth Academy, TQ6 9HW
  • Stoke Fleming Primary School, TQ6 0QA