TR11 Postcode Area Information

Avg Annual Income
Full Time Employees
Average Age

Area Overview

The postcode area is located in the Cornwall, Cornwall postcode town, in the South West, England region.

A Major part of this postcode area describes a community with a younger population compared to the surrounding area, living mainly in flats.


  • More residents are below retirement age than the average.
  • Most people live in flats, more than any other postcode in the group.
  • Few residents live in care homes or communal establishments.
  • This is the least diverse community within the "Ageing Communities" group in terms of ethnicity.


  • Many residents work in managerial and professional roles, similar to the surrounding area.
  • Few residents have jobs in manual or basic labor positions.

A Major part of this postcode area represents a younger and less diverse community compared to the surrounding area. Residents tend to live in flats and work in professional roles.

It's important to note that this description generalizes the area and individual experiences may vary.

Electoral Wards

The postcode area covers Constantine, Mabe & Mawnan, Falmouth Arwenack, Falmouth Boslowick, Falmouth Penwerris, Falmouth Trescobeas & Budock, Mylor, Perranarworthal & Ponsanooth electoral wards.

TR11 Postcode Map

TR11 Area Demographics
(from Census 2021)

The population of TR11 postcode area is 32,035. In England, the male population is 28,833,712 and the female population is 27,656,336, according to the 2021 census.

Ethnicity & Religion

According to the latest 2021 census, The main ethnicity of the people in the area is White: English, with a total of 29,012, followed by White: Other White, with a total of 1,306. In terms of religion, most people mentioned No religion (15,811), followed by Christian (13,193).


As for deprivation, most of the area is not deprived in any dimension (6,820), followed by at least deprived in one dimension (4,952).

Economic Status

Most people in the nearby area mentioned they are Retired (7,689), while 6,688 adults mentioned they are Employee: Full-time.


Regarding education, 10,493 adults have Level 4 education, while 3,391 have No qualifications education. The most common occupations are

  • Professional occupations (2636)
  • Managers, directors and senior officials (1846), and
  • Associate professional and technical occupations (1816)


The average age of people living in area is 44 years old. The top three age distributions are: Between 15 to 24 (7706), Between 65 to 74 (5195), and Below 14 (5172).


The NS-SEC defines and measures social class and is considered a reliable indicator of a person's class status. As per the 2021 census, most of the population has Lower managerial, administrative and professional occupations (5,360) followed by Full-time students (4,426), and Small employers and own account workers (3,635).

Postcodes in TR11

There are total 5 postcode sectors present in the TR11 (listed below). The postcode TR11 has a total of 1431 postcodes.

TR11 2SD (terminated)
TR11 2WX (terminated)
TR11 2XJ (terminated)
TR11 2ZD (terminated)
TR11 2ZE (terminated)
TR11 2ZR (terminated)
TR11 2ZQ (terminated)
TR11 2YL (terminated)
TR11 2WY (terminated)
TR11 2EF (terminated)
TR11 2FA (terminated)
TR11 2ZX (terminated)
TR11 2SA (terminated)
TR11 2WU (terminated)
TR11 2ZH (terminated)
TR11 2TG (terminated)
TR11 2WS (terminated)
TR11 2WW (terminated)
TR11 2WT (terminated)
TR11 2NZ (terminated)
TR11 2YY (terminated)
TR11 2WZ (terminated)
TR11 2YU (terminated)
TR11 2YW (terminated)
TR11 2XX (terminated)
TR11 2ZN (terminated)
TR11 2YX (terminated)
TR11 2ZF (terminated)
TR11 2XQ (terminated)
TR11 2YN (terminated)
TR11 2DE (terminated)
TR11 2WG (terminated)
TR11 2ZB (terminated)
TR11 2ZJ (terminated)
TR11 2RS (terminated)
TR11 2XE (terminated)
TR11 2ZG (terminated)
TR11 2YZ (terminated)
TR11 2XY (terminated)
TR11 2XD (terminated)
TR11 2XF (terminated)
TR11 2YD (terminated)
TR11 2YR (terminated)
TR11 2ZA (terminated)
TR11 2YB (terminated)
TR11 2XB (terminated)
TR11 2LX (terminated)
TR11 2SL (terminated)
TR11 2TA (terminated)
TR11 2YH (terminated)
TR11 2YJ (terminated)
TR11 2YP (terminated)
TR11 2YQ (terminated)
TR11 2YT (terminated)
TR11 2SQ (terminated)
TR11 2YE (terminated)
TR11 2YS (terminated)
TR11 2RX (terminated)
TR11 2SH (terminated)
TR11 2SJ (terminated)
TR11 2XN (terminated)
TR11 2YF (terminated)
TR11 2YG (terminated)
TR11 2TB (terminated)
TR11 2TH (terminated)
TR11 2TJ (terminated)
TR11 2UX (terminated)
TR11 2YA (terminated)
TR11 2SB (terminated)
TR11 2XW (terminated)
TR11 2QY (terminated)
TR11 2EH (terminated)
TR11 2RL (terminated)
TR11 2RU (terminated)
TR11 2SF (terminated)
TR11 3RB (terminated)
TR11 3DW (terminated)
TR11 3DP (terminated)
TR11 3WW (terminated)
TR11 3UF (terminated)
TR11 3ZR (terminated)
TR11 3ZU (terminated)
TR11 3WY (terminated)
TR11 3WZ (terminated)
TR11 3JU (terminated)
TR11 3NZ (terminated)
TR11 3AG (terminated)
TR11 3WB (terminated)
TR11 3WR (terminated)
TR11 3WS (terminated)
TR11 3WQ (terminated)
TR11 3WU (terminated)
TR11 3ZS (terminated)
TR11 3ZW (terminated)
TR11 3ZX (terminated)
TR11 3WX (terminated)
TR11 3WT (terminated)
TR11 3TQ (terminated)
TR11 3ET (terminated)
TR11 3GB (terminated)
TR11 3ZQ (terminated)
TR11 3ZE (terminated)
TR11 3YW (terminated)
TR11 3DY (terminated)
TR11 3UB (terminated)
TR11 3PZ (terminated)
TR11 3PD (terminated)
TR11 3SA (terminated)
TR11 3WG (terminated)
TR11 3ZN (terminated)
TR11 3XB (terminated)
TR11 3ZJ (terminated)
TR11 3NL (terminated)
TR11 3JZ (terminated)
TR11 3AP (terminated)
TR11 3XD (terminated)
TR11 3YZ (terminated)
TR11 3ZF (terminated)
TR11 3XR (terminated)
TR11 3AL (terminated)
TR11 3ZD (terminated)
TR11 3AW (terminated)
TR11 3TS (terminated)
TR11 3YS (terminated)
TR11 3YR (terminated)
TR11 3YT (terminated)
TR11 3YY (terminated)
TR11 3XF (terminated)
TR11 3YF (terminated)
TR11 3YG (terminated)
TR11 3HF (terminated)
TR11 3QW (terminated)
TR11 3RU (terminated)
TR11 3SP (terminated)
TR11 3UT (terminated)
TR11 3XW (terminated)
TR11 3YD (terminated)
TR11 3YH (terminated)
TR11 3YJ (terminated)
TR11 3YN (terminated)
TR11 3YQ (terminated)
TR11 3TY (terminated)
TR11 3QT (terminated)
TR11 3QU (terminated)
TR11 3SD (terminated)
TR11 3TU (terminated)
TR11 3UE (terminated)
TR11 3YU (terminated)
TR11 3SY (terminated)
TR11 3TZ (terminated)
TR11 3UG (terminated)
TR11 3UP (terminated)
TR11 3UU (terminated)
TR11 3UW (terminated)
TR11 3UY (terminated)
TR11 3UZ (terminated)
TR11 3XN (terminated)
TR11 3XS (terminated)
TR11 3YP (terminated)
TR11 3AQ (terminated)
TR11 3DA (terminated)
TR11 3DD (terminated)
TR11 3DG (terminated)
TR11 3DT (terminated)
TR11 3DU (terminated)
TR11 3JY (terminated)
TR11 3LA (terminated)
TR11 3QX (terminated)
TR11 3SR (terminated)
TR11 3TT (terminated)
TR11 3UA (terminated)
TR11 3UN (terminated)
TR11 3RG (terminated)
TR11 3RL (terminated)
TR11 3RX (terminated)
TR11 3SJ (terminated)
TR11 3SL (terminated)
TR11 3SW (terminated)
TR11 3SX (terminated)
TR11 3UD (terminated)
TR11 3UR (terminated)
TR11 3AN (terminated)
TR11 3SQ (terminated)
TR11 3LF (terminated)
TR11 3QZ (terminated)
TR11 3RF (terminated)
TR11 3SS (terminated)
TR11 3ST (terminated)
TR11 3TB (terminated)
TR11 3TR (terminated)
TR11 3TX (terminated)
TR11 3UQ (terminated)
TR11 3SH (terminated)
TR11 3TP (terminated)
TR11 3TW (terminated)
TR11 3SZ (terminated)
TR11 3TA (terminated)
TR11 3TD (terminated)
TR11 3SN (terminated)
TR11 3LE (terminated)
TR11 4WJ (terminated)
TR11 4RL (terminated)
TR11 4XR (terminated)
TR11 4ZN (terminated)
TR11 4WH (terminated)
TR11 4WW (terminated)
TR11 4XT (terminated)
TR11 4HG (terminated)
TR11 4RY (terminated)
TR11 4SY (terminated)
TR11 4WU (terminated)
TR11 4WS (terminated)
TR11 4LQ (terminated)
TR11 4XJ (terminated)
TR11 4YA (terminated)
TR11 4WB (terminated)
TR11 4WY (terminated)
TR11 4RS (terminated)
TR11 4WT (terminated)
TR11 4WX (terminated)
TR11 4WD (terminated)
TR11 4XZ (terminated)
TR11 4YL (terminated)
TR11 4ZA (terminated)
TR11 4RN (terminated)
TR11 4WF (terminated)
TR11 4RR (terminated)
TR11 4WE (terminated)
TR11 4NW (terminated)
TR11 4EU (terminated)
TR11 4YU (terminated)
TR11 4YY (terminated)
TR11 4WG (terminated)
TR11 4YB (terminated)
TR11 4YZ (terminated)
TR11 4YT (terminated)
TR11 4BT (terminated)
TR11 4YX (terminated)
TR11 4YW (terminated)
TR11 4YS (terminated)
TR11 4YJ (terminated)
TR11 4YN (terminated)
TR11 4YR (terminated)
TR11 4YH (terminated)
TR11 4YQ (terminated)
TR11 4YF (terminated)
TR11 4DA (terminated)
TR11 4LU (terminated)
TR11 4ND (terminated)
TR11 4RQ (terminated)
TR11 4YG (terminated)
TR11 4YP (terminated)
TR11 4NU (terminated)
TR11 4YD (terminated)
TR11 4YE (terminated)
TR11 4NS (terminated)
TR11 5XX (terminated)
TR11 5FA (terminated)
TR11 5WD (terminated)
TR11 5WS (terminated)
TR11 5WX (terminated)
TR11 5XU (terminated)
TR11 5XW (terminated)
TR11 5ZN (terminated)
TR11 5XQ (terminated)
TR11 5ZJ (terminated)
TR11 5XT (terminated)
TR11 5YU (terminated)
TR11 5ZW (terminated)
TR11 5YP (terminated)
TR11 5WN (terminated)
TR11 5WL (terminated)
TR11 5WY (terminated)
TR11 5WA (terminated)
TR11 5WP (terminated)
TR11 5FD (terminated)
TR11 5YL (terminated)
TR11 5WU (terminated)
TR11 5XZ (terminated)
TR11 5WW (terminated)
TR11 5XE (terminated)
TR11 5WZ (terminated)
TR11 5WT (terminated)
TR11 5ZR (terminated)
TR11 5WQ (terminated)
TR11 5ZQ (terminated)
TR11 5ZA (terminated)
TR11 5GF (terminated)
TR11 5XY (terminated)
TR11 5YQ (terminated)
TR11 5YW (terminated)
TR11 5YR (terminated)
TR11 5YS (terminated)
TR11 5YY (terminated)
TR11 5YX (terminated)
TR11 5YB (terminated)
TR11 5YZ (terminated)
TR11 5YG (terminated)
TR11 5YT (terminated)
TR11 5YE (terminated)
TR11 5YN (terminated)
TR11 5YH (terminated)
TR11 5YJ (terminated)
TR11 5YD (terminated)
TR11 5YA (terminated)
TR11 5YF (terminated)
TR11 5JH (terminated)
TR11 5QY (terminated)
TR11 9EN (terminated)
TR11 9EL (terminated)
TR11 9EY (terminated)
TR11 9ER (terminated)
TR11 9EQ (terminated)
TR11 9EU (terminated)
TR11 9BF (terminated)
TR11 9EP (terminated)
TR11 9ED (terminated)
TR11 9EE (terminated)
TR11 9YD (terminated)
TR11 9EJ (terminated)
TR11 9BY (terminated)
TR11 9DT (terminated)
TR11 9EG (terminated)
TR11 9EF (terminated)
TR11 9DU (terminated)
TR11 9EH (terminated)
TR11 9DL (terminated)
TR11 9DX (terminated)
TR11 9DR (terminated)
TR11 9EB (terminated)
TR11 9DW (terminated)
TR11 9DZ (terminated)
TR11 9DY (terminated)
TR11 9BH (terminated)
TR11 9DE (terminated)
TR11 9DN (terminated)
TR11 9DQ (terminated)
TR11 9DP (terminated)
TR11 9DH (terminated)
TR11 9AA (terminated)
TR11 9BW (terminated)
TR11 9AP (terminated)
TR11 9DG (terminated)
TR11 9DD (terminated)
TR11 9AG (terminated)
TR11 9DB (terminated)
TR11 9BU (terminated)
TR11 9BZ (terminated)
TR11 9DF (terminated)
TR11 9BR (terminated)
TR11 9BX (terminated)
TR11 9BS (terminated)
TR11 9BB (terminated)
TR11 9BP (terminated)
TR11 9AZ (terminated)
TR11 9AE (terminated)
TR11 9BL (terminated)
TR11 9BQ (terminated)
TR11 9BT (terminated)
TR11 9BJ (terminated)
TR11 9AU (terminated)
TR11 9AW (terminated)
TR11 9BG (terminated)
TR11 9BN (terminated)
TR11 9AY (terminated)
ONS Administrative Info

Constantine, Mabe & Mawnan

Falmouth Arwenack

Falmouth Boslowick

Falmouth Penwerris

Falmouth Trescobeas & Budock

Mylor, Perranarworthal & Ponsanooth

RegionSouth West

TR11 Crime Statstics

Crime rate over the last 12 Months

Crime rate by Month


Anti-social behaviour




Criminal damage and arson




Other crime


Other theft


Public order






Vehicle crime


Violence and sexual offences


Anti-social behaviour




Criminal damage and arson




Other crime


Other theft


Public order






Vehicle crime


Violence and sexual offences


Anti-social behaviour




Criminal damage and arson




Other crime


Other theft


Possession of weapons


Public order






Vehicle crime


Violence and sexual offences


Anti-social behaviour




Criminal damage and arson




Other crime


Other theft


Possession of weapons


Public order






Theft from the person


Vehicle crime


Violence and sexual offences


Violence and sexual offences


Other theft


Violence and sexual offences


Violence and sexual offences


Criminal damage and arson

TR11 Property Statstics

Sold House Prices over the last 12 Months

Sold House Prices by Month

House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£976,666.67£420,000.00 - £1,950,000.003
Flat£285,000.00£220,000.00 - £365,000.003
Other£320,000.00£320,000.00 - £320,000.001
Semi-Detached£780,000.00£780,000.00 - £780,000.001
Terraced£385,000.00£170,000.00 - £950,000.004
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£576,166.67£433,500.00 - £660,000.003
Flat£627,500.00£555,000.00 - £700,000.002
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Flat£217,750.00£183,000.00 - £258,000.003
Other£60,000.00£60,000.00 - £60,000.001
Semi-Detached£272,500.00£272,500.00 - £272,500.001
Terraced£262,375.00£95,000.00 - £365,000.004
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£524,333.33£336,000.00 - £795,000.006
Flat£399,166.67£200,000.00 - £725,000.006
Other£168,000.00£168,000.00 - £168,000.001
Semi-Detached£360,900.00£238,500.00 - £575,000.005
Terraced£267,500.00£190,000.00 - £410,000.004
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£430,625.00£170,000.00 - £1,325,000.0010
Flat£251,500.00£152,500.00 - £345,000.0010
Other£125,000.00£125,000.00 - £125,000.001
Semi-Detached£269,000.00£230,000.00 - £345,000.005
Terraced£420,944.44£185,000.00 - £750,000.0011
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£635,763.16£317,000.00 - £1,625,000.0020
Flat£240,625.00£205,000.00 - £267,500.004
Semi-Detached£211,166.67£175,000.00 - £295,000.004
Terraced£276,104.12£150,000.00 - £760,000.0020
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£537,497.73£277,000.00 - £920,000.0015
Flat£155,442.86£74,600.00 - £395,000.0016
Other£1,125,000.00£1,125,000.00 - £1,125,000.002
Semi-Detached£440,142.84£175,500.00 - £2,750,000.0018
Terraced£358,403.65£190,000.00 - £1,060,000.0023
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£485,000.00£450,000.00 - £520,000.002
Flat£275,000.00£155,000.00 - £475,000.003
Other£285,000.00£285,000.00 - £285,000.001
Semi-Detached£557,500.00£395,000.00 - £720,000.002
Terraced£397,500.00£275,000.00 - £520,000.002
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£617,222.22£410,000.00 - £1,100,000.009
Flat£257,431.25£75,000.00 - £585,000.008
Other£1,000,000.00£1,000,000.00 - £1,000,000.001
Semi-Detached£437,909.09£275,000.00 - £680,000.0011
Terraced£252,000.00£178,000.00 - £350,000.0014
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£487,375.00£265,000.00 - £1,350,000.0013
Flat£322,300.00£158,000.00 - £490,000.005
Other£320,000.00£105,000.00 - £535,000.002
Semi-Detached£496,357.14£293,500.00 - £810,000.007
Terraced£410,571.43£220,000.00 - £740,000.007
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£781,550.00£295,500.00 - £2,230,000.0010
Flat£284,178.57£165,000.00 - £457,500.007
Other£160,000.00£160,000.00 - £160,000.001
Semi-Detached£440,942.86£230,000.00 - £937,500.007
Terraced£244,187.50£153,000.00 - £500,000.0017
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£523,000.00£320,000.00 - £800,000.007
Flat£279,000.00£185,000.00 - £440,000.003
Other£352,500.00£115,000.00 - £660,000.004
Semi-Detached£293,571.43£180,000.00 - £390,000.007
Terraced£253,490.00£124,000.00 - £815,000.0011
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£742,666.67£277,000.00 - £1,500,000.0010
Flat£409,166.67£145,000.00 - £750,000.006
Semi-Detached£326,600.00£118,000.00 - £620,000.005
Terraced£284,041.67£200,000.00 - £425,000.0012
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£712,045.45£425,000.00 - £1,300,000.0022
Flat£269,527.78£148,000.00 - £650,000.0020
Semi-Detached£283,948.33£248,500.00 - £560,000.0013
Terraced£379,411.11£195,500.00 - £705,000.0018
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£1,317,500.00£350,000.00 - £3,900,000.004
Flat£248,750.00£140,000.00 - £325,000.004
Other£1,702,500.00£280,000.00 - £3,125,000.002
Semi-Detached£343,083.33£230,000.00 - £523,000.006
Terraced£355,833.33£240,000.00 - £440,000.006
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£2,500,000.00£2,500,000.00 - £2,500,000.001
Flat£315,000.00£315,000.00 - £315,000.001
Semi-Detached£475,500.00£467,500.00 - £483,500.002
Terraced£165,000.00£165,000.00 - £165,000.001
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£678,911.76£212,000.00 - £2,175,000.0017
Flat£288,900.00£83,350.00 - £580,000.0011
Other£169,687.50£52,500.00 - £450,000.006
Semi-Detached£308,512.50£152,000.00 - £425,000.0010
Terraced£289,615.38£185,000.00 - £1,100,000.0014
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£618,925.00£382,000.00 - £1,400,000.0020
Flat£261,333.33£100,000.00 - £705,000.0014
Semi-Detached£325,125.00£230,000.00 - £445,000.008
Terraced£379,939.93£156,000.00 - £900,000.0029
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£633,147.06£412,500.00 - £1,100,000.0017
Flat£320,964.29£155,000.00 - £521,000.0014
Other£603,333.33£335,000.00 - £1,100,000.003
Semi-Detached£373,819.92£251,000.00 - £825,155.0012
Terraced£406,600.00£189,000.00 - £770,000.0015
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£604,819.12£240,000.00 - £1,210,000.0016
Flat£316,187.50£140,000.00 - £785,000.0013
Other£486,250.00£50,000.00 - £1,270,000.004
Semi-Detached£373,500.00£240,000.00 - £615,000.0010
Terraced£348,576.92£258,000.00 - £755,000.0013
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£712,416.67£155,000.00 - £1,530,000.0012
Flat£159,527.78£100,000.00 - £275,000.0010
Other£495,625.00£42,500.00 - £1,000,000.005
Semi-Detached£344,291.67£115,000.00 - £980,000.0012
Terraced£348,174.26£230,000.00 - £1,625,000.0025
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£710,449.19£335,000.00 - £2,500,000.0016
Flat£306,755.50£158,000.00 - £560,000.0014
Other£1,077,500.00£305,000.00 - £1,850,000.002
Semi-Detached£317,800.00£220,000.00 - £420,000.0010
Terraced£413,342.55£150,000.00 - £745,000.0021
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£725,916.67£260,000.00 - £2,150,000.0012
Flat£281,000.00£115,000.00 - £600,000.0010
Other£156,857.00£156,857.00 - £156,857.001
Semi-Detached£313,600.00£235,000.00 - £365,000.005
Terraced£337,757.14£147,000.00 - £675,250.0014
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£907,853.33£207,500.00 - £3,050,000.0015
Flat£350,292.33£160,000.00 - £752,000.009
Other£235,000.00£235,000.00 - £235,000.001
Semi-Detached£327,681.82£220,000.00 - £455,000.0011
Terraced£455,971.09£162,500.00 - £1,350,000.0018
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£807,909.38£265,000.00 - £1,650,000.0016
Flat£331,632.69£145,000.00 - £610,000.0015
Other£919,999.50£299,999.00 - £1,540,000.002
Semi-Detached£353,347.50£250,000.00 - £695,000.008
Terraced£365,993.06£155,000.00 - £725,000.0020
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£581,545.45£175,000.00 - £981,000.0011
Flat£255,166.67£129,500.00 - £421,500.0018
Other£910,000.00£620,000.00 - £1,200,000.002
Semi-Detached£316,350.00£176,000.00 - £366,300.0010
Terraced£304,586.54£185,750.00 - £950,000.0014
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£604,250.00£150,000.00 - £806,000.0011
Flat£354,439.39£80,000.00 - £540,000.0014
Semi-Detached£366,000.00£104,000.00 - £650,000.007
Terraced£226,360.00£156,000.00 - £500,000.0016
House TypeAverageMin/MaxSold
Detached£737,014.67£350,000.00 - £1,900,000.008
Flat£399,931.25£155,000.00 - £695,000.008
Other£583,033.33£400,000.00 - £698,600.003
Semi-Detached£531,900.00£160,000.00 - £2,650,000.0010
Terraced£249,714.29£205,000.00 - £455,000.0010

Mylor Community Primary SchoolPrimary, Good140 5-11TR115SE
Marlborough SchoolPrimary, Good207 4-11TR114HU
Flushing SchoolPrimary, Good93 3-11TR115TX
Mawnan CofE VA Primary SchoolPrimary, Good136 4-11TR115HQ
Penair SchoolSecondary, Good1081 11-16TR11TN
Falmouth SchoolSecondary, Requires improvement987 11-18TR114LH
Archbishop Benson CofE Primary SchoolPrimary, Good411 4-11TR11BN
Pencalenick SchoolSpecial, Good174 3-16TR11TE
Tregolls AcademyPrimary, Requires improvement314 3-11TR11LH
Falmouth Primary AcademyPrimary, Good273 4-11TR112BB
St Mary's Catholic Primary School, FalmouthPrimary, Outstanding215 4-11TR114PW
Constantine Primary SchoolPrimary, Good193 4-11TR115AG
St Francis CofE Primary SchoolPrimary, Good422 4-11TR114SU
King Charles Church of England Primary SchoolPrimary, Good411 4-11TR114EP
  • Camelot Guest House, TR11 4AZ
  • Ambleside Guesthouse, TR11 3LP
  • Broadmead Hotel, TR11 2DD
  • Budock Vean Hotel, TR11 5LG
  • Chellowdene Guesthouse, TR11 4DN
  • SPAR, TR11 3DE
  • Budock Water Village Stores, TR11 5DR
  • Pysk, TR11 3XP
  • A Gift From Cornwall, TR11 3JD
  • Baker Tom, TR11 3DR
  • Falmouth Town Afc, TR11 4PB
  • Flushing Sailing Club, TR11 5TZ
  • The Games Room, TR11 3AE
  • Beerwolf Books, TR11 3AZ
  • Chain Locker, TR11 3HH
  • The Stable, TR11 3SB
  • Kessells Kitchen, TR11 3PN
  • Koala Karlous, TR11 3PN
  • Koffiji Falmouth, TR11 3XP
  • Kona, TR11 3XA
  • Co-op, TR11 4PN
  • Sainsburys, TR11 2RZ
  • Tesco, TR11 3PQ
  • Bamboo House, TR11 2JZ
  • Bos's Chippy, TR11 4QD
  • Castle Beach Cafe, TR11 3HN
  • Dog & Smuggler Tuck Shop, TR11 3JT
  • Domino's Pizza, TR11 3PP
  • Boscawen Ward Kitchen West, TR11 2JA
  • Daisy Fays Falmouth, TR11 4SN
  • Fit N Fun Kids, TR11 2BB
  • Happy Days, TR11 2BB
  • King Charles Court Nursing Home, TR11 3LR
  • Jacks Kombucha, TR11 5PD
  • Faithful Star LLP, TR11 4NR
  • Gonpez 1, TR11 4NR
  • Helford River Distillery Ltd, TR11 5LH
  • Mar Blanco, TR11 4NR
  • Daily Grind SW, TR11 2EE
  • Cafe Kernow Ltd, TR11 4NQ
  • Fal Falafel, TR11 3QA
  • Fude Dude, TR11 3JT
  • Kerensa, TR11 3JT
  • Age UK, TR11 3QP
  • Church Of King Charles The Martyr, TR11 3EQ
  • Dracaena Centre, TR11 3ES
  • Falmouth Methodist Church, TR11 3PG
  • Lorina's Pasties, TR11 4SN
  • Autograph @ Falmouth Learning, TR11 2DT
  • Falmouth Exeter Plus - University College Falmouth, TR11 4RH
  • Flushing CE School, TR11 5TX
  • King Charles School, TR11 4EP
  • Sails Cafe, TR11 3QS