EC4A 1AD - Information


The EC4A 1AD postcode is in City of London, City of London postcode town, within London, England region.

For comprehensive crime statistics in the EC4A 1AD area, explore the EC4A 1AD Crime Rates page.
To explore detailed house prices and statistics in the EC4A 1AD area, visit the EC4A 1AD House Prices

Location And Map Details
  • Co-ordinates: [ -0.10940991236544992, 51.51712183386693 ]
  • What 3 Words:
  • Plus Code:
Postcode AreaEC4A
WardFarringdon Without
Middle layer Super Output AreaCity of London
Lower Tier Local AuthorityCity of London
Upper Tier Local AuthorityCity of London
Travel To Work AreaLondon
Police ForceCity of London
NHS Care BoardNHS North East London Integrated Care Board
Electoral wardFarringdon Without
Westminster Parliamentary ConstituencyCities of London and Westminster
Multiple Deprivation Index18089

According to the ONS, The nearby area classification is Multicultural student neighbourhood / Inner city cosmopolitan / London Cosmopolitan, while the work-zone classification is Global business.

Nearby Places

The nearest places is Holborn(0.14 mi)

  • Holborn, (0.14 mi)
  • Holborn, (0.15 mi)
  • Farringdon, (0.22 mi)
  • Saffron Hill, (0.24 mi)
  • Lincoln's Inn, (0.24 mi)
Nearby Bus stop

The nearest Bus stop is Chancery Lane Underground Station(0.12 mi)

  • Chancery Lane Underground Station, (0.12 mi)
  • Chancery Lane Underground Station, (0.14 mi)
  • Chancery Lane Underground Station, (0.14 mi)
  • Farringdon Underground Station, (0.28 mi)
  • Farringdon Rail Station, (0.28 mi)
  • Farringdon Underground Station, (0.28 mi)
  • Farringdon (London) Rail Station, (0.29 mi)
  • Farringdon Underground Station, (0.29 mi)
  • Farringdon Underground Station, (0.30 mi)
  • Farringdon Underground Station, (0.30 mi)
Nearby Railway Station

The nearest Railway Station is Farringdon(0.29 mi)

  • Farringdon, (0.29 mi)
  • City Thameslink, (0.32 mi)
  • London Blackfriars, (0.51 mi)
Nearby Airport

The nearest airport is Heathrow Terminal 4 Rail(15.06 mi)

  • Heathrow Terminal 4 Rail, (15.06 mi)
  • Heathrow Terminal 4 Bus, (15.09 mi)
  • Heathrow Terminals 1-2-3 Rail, (15.29 mi)
  • Heathrow Terminals 1-2-3 Bus, (15.29 mi)
Nearby Schools

Below are the nearest schools to the postcode ordered by distance. (data from

City Junior SchoolPrimary, NaN7-11WC1R 5EY (0.21 mi)Details
St Alban's Church of England Primary SchoolPrimary, Good3-11EC1N 7SD (0.22 mi)Details
Christopher Hatton Primary SchoolPrimary, Outstanding3-11EC1R 4PQ (0.41 mi)Details
St George the Martyr Church of England Primary SchoolPrimary, Outstanding3-11WC1N 2NX (0.45 mi)Details
City Lit0, Outstanding16-99WC2B 4BA (0.49 mi)Details
St Clement Danes CofE Primary SchoolPrimary, Outstanding4-11WC2B 5SU (0.51 mi)Details
Charterhouse Square SchoolPrimary, None3-11EC1M 6EA (0.51 mi)Details
St Josephs Catholic Primary SchoolPrimary, Good3-11WC2B 5NA (0.54 mi)Details
Guildhouse SchoolSecondary, None15-24WC1A 2RA (0.56 mi)Details
St Paul's Cathedral SchoolAll Through, None4-13EC4M 9AD (0.59 mi)Details
The Mary Ward Centre (AE Centre)0, Good16-99WC1N 3AQ (0.59 mi)Details
City of London SchoolAll Through, None10-18EC4V 3AL (0.60 mi)Details
Dallington SchoolPrimary, Outstanding3-11EC1V 0BW (0.65 mi)Details
The Royal Ballet SchoolSecondary, None11-19WC2E 9DA (0.65 mi)Details
St Peter and St Paul Catholic Primary SchoolPrimary, Good3-11EC1V 0EU (0.65 mi)Details
City of London School for GirlsAll Through, None7-18EC2Y 8BB (0.66 mi)Details
City of London Primary Academy, IslingtonPrimary, Outstanding4-11EC1Y 0AE (0.71 mi)Details
Odyssey House School - BloomsburyAll Through, NaN7-19WC1B 4JP (0.74 mi)Details
London Nautical SchoolSecondary, Requires improvement11-18SE1 9NA (0.74 mi)Details
Hugh Myddelton Primary SchoolPrimary, Outstanding2-11EC1R 1YJ (0.75 mi)Details
Prior Weston Primary School and Children's CentrePrimary, Good0-11EC1Y 8JA (0.76 mi)Details
Capital City College GroupSecondary, Good14-99WC1X 8RA (0.79 mi)Details
Moreland Primary SchoolPrimary, Good0-11EC1V 8BB (0.88 mi)Details
Ecole Jeannine ManuelAll Through, None3-18WC1B 3DN (0.89 mi)Details
Nearby Nhs GP

The nearest GP to this postcode is ST PHILIPS MEDICAL CENTRE(0.35 mi). Check out the NHS GPs in nearby area.

st philips medical centreActivest philips mc, tower 3, 2nd floor, clements inn, london02076115131WC2A 2AZ
gray's inn road medical centreActivegray's inn road med ctr, 77 gray's inn road, holborn, london02074059360WC1X 8TS
kings college health centreActive3rd floor, bush house, south east wing, 300 strand, london02078482613WC2B 4PJ
the neaman practiceActivethe neaman practice, 15 half moon court, london02076009740EC1A 7HF
holborn medical centreActivethe holborn medical ctr., 64-66 lamb's conduit st., holborn, london02030770044WC1N 3NA
clerkenwell medical practiceActiveclerkenwell med practice, finsbury h/c,17 pine st, london02078335906EC1R 0LP
dr segarajasingheActivefinsbury health centre, pine street, london02077135256EC1R 0JH
covent garden medical centreActivecovent garden medical ctr, eric knapp, 47 shorts gardens, london02073797209WC2H 9AA
museum practiceActivethe museum practice, 58 great russell street, london02074052739WC1B 3BA
amwell group practiceActivethe amwell practice, 4 naoroji street, islington, london02078372020WC1X 0GB
Nearby Amenities

EC4A 1AD Demographics

(from Census 2021)

The population of EC4A1AD is 231 compared to England, which has a population of 59,597,542.


The average age of people living in the nearby area is 41 years old. The top three age distributions are: Between 25 to 34 (2213), Between 35 to 44 (1271), and Between 45 to 54 (1184).


According to the latest census 2021, The main ethnicity of the people in the immediate area is White: Other White with a total of 92 people, followed by White: English with a total of 72.


Regarding education, 185 adults have Level 4, while 9 have No qualifications.


As for deprivation, most of the area is Not deprived in any dimension (586), followed by at least Deprived in one dimension (242).

The most common occupations in the nearby area are
  • Professional occupations (83)
  • Managers, directors and senior officials (34), and
  • Associate professional and technical occupations (26)

In terms of religion, most people mentioned No religion (95), followed by Christian (94).


The NS-SEC defines and measures social class and is considered a reliable indicator of a person's class status. As per the 2021 census, most of the population has Higher managerial, administrative and professional occupations (103) followed by Lower managerial, administrative and professional occupations (44), and Small employers and own account workers (27).

Economic Status

Most people in the area mentioned they are Employee: Full-time (668), and 205 adults mentioned they are Student.

Country of Birth

As per the country of birth, most adults are from the United Kingdom (510) and European Union EU-14 (273).