Housing Market Analysis for GU2 4YL

Are you looking to understand GU2 4YL house prices? Here, we provide a detailed analysis of the latest sold house prices, trends over the years, and key statistics to help you gauge the real estate landscape in this Guildford postcode.

For the location information and nearby amenities in the GU2 4YL area, explore the GU2 4YL Area information page.
For comprehensive crime statistics in the GU2 4YL area, explore the GU2 4YL Crime Rates page.

Overview of Sold House prices

As per the latest sold houses in the GU2 4YL postcode area, The average prices are as follows,

    Sold Price Trend Over the Years:

    Below table and chart gives the average GU2 4YL house prices and number of sold houses over the years. This helps understand the price trend over the years in this postcode.

    Please note that this data is populated based on the sold houses data given by the Land Registry.

    All the Sales in the GU2 4YL

    See the table below for more details on the sold house prices in the GU2 4YL, Guildford postcode.

    AddressSold DatePrice% Change

    Check out the sold house prices near the GU2 4YL postcode. Properties currently for saleProperties currently for rent

    GU2 4YL Near By properties

    Interactive Map

    This Interactive map can help you visualize the nearby sold house in the GU2 4YL postcode area

    Nearby Sold House Price Statstics

    Knowing the nearby sold house in the area helps gauge the property market in the area. Below data gives house price Statstics of the surrounding area of the GU2 4YL postcode.

    • Flat
      • The average price is around £232,424 median price is £205,000 Standard Deviation is £154,609 with Total Sold: 1,686
      • The Last 5 Year average price is £347,543 with Total Sold: 231
      • The most recent sale happened at this postcode is FLAT 46, PRINTING HOUSE SQUARE MARTYR ROAD: £360,000 (Sold on 17 Sep 2024)
      • The first recorded sale happened at this postcode is , 26 CONDOR COURT: £46,000 (Sold on 06 Jan 1995)
    • Detached
      • The average price is around £592,558 median price is £487,500 Standard Deviation is £465,397 with Total Sold: 404
      • The Last 5 Year average price is £1,091,187 with Total Sold: 60
      • The most recent sale happened at this postcode is , 37 THE MOUNT: £587,000 (Sold on 06 Sep 2024)
      • The first recorded sale happened at this postcode is , 15 SOUTH HILL: £145,000 (Sold on 04 Jan 1995)
    • Semi-Detached
      • The average price is around £342,099 median price is £285,575 Standard Deviation is £233,004 with Total Sold: 722
      • The Last 5 Year average price is £612,405 with Total Sold: 115
      • The most recent sale happened at this postcode is , 1A SYDENHAM ROAD: £760,000 (Sold on 16 Aug 2024)
      • The first recorded sale happened at this postcode is , 18 FARNHAM ROAD: £97,500 (Sold on 04 Jan 1995)
    • Other
      • The average price is around £3,071,052 median price is £1,075,000 Standard Deviation is £4,816,591 with Total Sold: 164
      • The Last 5 Year average price is £3,463,434 with Total Sold: 88
      • The most recent sale happened at this postcode is , 2 ANGEL GATE: £75,000 (Sold on 11 Jun 2024)
      • The first recorded sale happened at this postcode is , 1 FARNHAM ROAD: £10,250,000 (Sold on 17 Sep 2013)
    • Terraced
      • The average price is around £332,217 median price is £287,000 Standard Deviation is £237,413 with Total Sold: 468
      • The Last 5 Year average price is £581,773 with Total Sold: 68
      • The most recent sale happened at this postcode is , 16 QUARRY STREET: £1,620,000 (Sold on 30 May 2024)
      • The first recorded sale happened at this postcode is 19, SOUTHBURY LAWN ROAD: £78,000 (Sold on 30 Jan 1995)

    Sold Price Trend Over the Years:

    House Type: Flat
    YearAvg. PriceAvg. Price/Sq. mtrSold
    2024£406,524 £5,525 21
    2023£300,339 £4,622 30
    2022£350,651 £5,614 47
    2021£355,129 £4,998 50
    2020£314,243 £4,703 43
    2019£374,641 £5,571 40
    2018£440,704 £5,667 54
    2017£377,531 £5,864 86
    2016£326,836 £5,284 81
    2015£320,639 £5,268 71
    2014£260,028 £4,378 58
    2013£267,301 £4,274 56
    2012£232,105 £3,739 61
    2011£217,297 £3,595 58
    2010£205,169 £3,562 34
    2009£221,925 £3,357 65
    2008£206,930 £3,423 64
    2007£219,134 £4,286 114
    2006£227,442 £3,638 54
    2005£183,854 £3,304 49
    2004£174,216 £3,193 64
    2003£184,143 £3,205 47
    2002£193,839 £2,972 65
    2001£154,688 £2,181 76
    2000£121,039 £2,108 42
    1999£97,468 £1,651 49
    1998£78,556 £1,532 47
    1997£76,614 £1,228 46
    1996£68,994 £1,152 51
    1995£57,085 £1,069 63
    House Type: Detached
    YearAvg. PriceAvg. Price/Sq. mtrSold
    2024£1,009,400 £6,056 5
    2023£1,155,000 £8,690 9
    2022£1,347,500 £9,917 18
    2021£1,017,995 £7,517 10
    2020£880,325 £6,068 10
    2019£848,875 £6,001 8
    2018£911,750 £6,658 13
    2017£1,227,143 £6,227 7
    2016£1,183,909 £6,102 11
    2015£794,854 £5,491 14
    2014£689,100 £5,376 11
    2013£514,214 £4,373 8
    2012£734,450 £5,158 14
    2011£626,545 £4,350 11
    2010£600,200 £4,742 12
    2009£508,421 £3,675 7
    2008£517,353 £3,631 17
    2007£564,839 £4,276 19
    2006£496,359 £3,384 11
    2005£438,905 £2,671 11
    2004£527,388 £4,137 20
    2003£415,841 £3,023 16
    2002£351,889 £2,899 18
    2001£379,224 £2,687 21
    2000£425,361 £2,503 19
    1999£263,763 £2,273 15
    1998£277,192 £1,690 18
    1997£319,335 £1,589 17
    1996£178,435 £1,072 20
    1995£168,586 £1,082 14
    House Type: Semi-Detached
    YearAvg. PriceAvg. Price/Sq. mtrSold
    2024£581,958 £5,583 7
    2023£550,817 £6,488 26
    2022£698,500 £8,092 22
    2021£654,870 £6,626 23
    2020£624,484 £5,734 21
    2019£530,531 £5,481 16
    2018£675,450 £6,353 10
    2017£655,842 £5,136 19
    2016£620,100 £5,706 15
    2015£519,275 £5,437 22
    2014£437,061 £4,481 17
    2013£434,538 £4,046 16
    2012£370,719 £4,074 18
    2011£367,298 £3,613 20
    2010£367,240 £3,783 20
    2009£329,448 £3,543 22
    2008£343,054 £3,257 22
    2007£355,475 £3,703 22
    2006£308,955 £3,250 30
    2005£339,143 £2,918 28
    2004£270,293 £3,037 28
    2003£249,661 £2,769 33
    2002£279,151 £2,612 35
    2001£219,208 £2,176 45
    2000£161,019 £1,955 21
    1999£150,433 £1,601 36
    1998£137,732 £1,444 34
    1997£118,907 £1,261 41
    1996£109,594 £1,040 32
    1995£104,650 £990 21
    House Type: Other
    YearAvg. PriceAvg. Price/Sq. mtrSold
    2023£1,450,537 £78 9
    2022£2,859,783 £9,810 12
    2021£3,737,831 £5,275 31
    2020£4,821,124 £60,654 19
    2019£3,386,774 £3,708 14
    2018£1,173,385 £7,586 13
    2017£1,969,800 £2,889 15
    2016£1,588,222 £5,635 23
    2015£4,961,390 £63,299 15
    House Type: Terraced
    YearAvg. PriceAvg. Price/Sq. mtrSold
    2023£548,907 £5,570 14
    2022£595,994 £5,369 12
    2021£511,947 £5,592 19
    2020£718,045 £5,600 11
    2019£468,095 £5,804 10
    2018£457,083 £4,850 12
    2017£560,500 £4,896 8
    2016£676,870 £5,731 15
    2015£522,180 £5,029 16
    2014£510,495 £4,508 14
    2013£364,202 £3,784 21
    2012£415,308 £3,415 13
    2011£373,931 £3,986 9
    2010£302,423 £3,334 13
    2009£239,909 £3,322 11
    2008£353,782 £4,728 14
    2007£350,413 £3,350 26
    2006£287,747 £3,597 19
    2005£315,122 £3,843 20
    2004£274,598 £2,913 20
    2003£247,435 £2,889 17
    2002£221,460 £2,263 24
    2001£182,570 £2,288 10
    2000£167,900 £1,995 16
    1999£146,287 £1,418 26
    1998£148,088 £1,504 13
    1997£120,936 £1,179 28
    1996£81,433 £1,022 21
    1995£80,446 £937 14

    House Type in GU2 4YL area

    The most common house types in the GU2 4YL postcode area are Flat (141), Shared house (5), and commercial building (5).

    Shared house5
    commercial building5
    converted building2
    temporary structure0

    Tenure of household

    As per the tenure of household, most of the the properties are Owned: Owns outright (51), and Social rented: Rents from council or Local Authority (51).

    Owned: Owns outright51
    Social rented: Rents from council or Local Authority51
    Private rented: Private landlord or letting agency43
    Owned: Owns with a mortgage or loan13
    Lives rent free2
    Private rented: Other private rented1
    Does not apply0
    Shared ownership: Shared ownership0
    Social rented: Other social rented0

    Number of People in a Household

    The most houses in the GU2 4YL have 1 person in household (104), and 2 people in household (52).

    1 person in household104
    2 people in household52
    3 people in household3
    0 people in household0
    4 people in household0
    5 people in household0
    6 people in household0
    7 people in household0
    8 or more people in household0