Housing Market Analysis for WESTERNHAY ROAD, LE2 3HF

Are you looking to understand LE2 3HF house prices? Here, we provide a detailed analysis of the latest sold house prices, trends over the years, and key statistics to help you gauge the real estate landscape in this Leicester postcode.

For the location information and nearby amenities in the LE2 3HF area, explore the LE2 3HF Area information page.
For comprehensive crime statistics in the LE2 3HF area, explore the LE2 3HF Crime Rates page.

Overview of Sold House prices

As per the latest sold houses in the LE2 3HF postcode area, The average prices are as follows,

  • Detached
    • The average price is around £373,325 median price is £387,500 Standard Deviation is £111,641 with Total Sold: 6
    • The most recent sale happened at this postcode is 7 WESTERNHAY ROAD: £525,000 (Sold on 30 Jun 2016)
    • The first recorded sale happened at this postcode is 7 WESTERNHAY ROAD: £150,000 (Sold on 30 Jul 1996)

Sold Price Trend Over the Years:

Below table and chart gives the average LE2 3HF house prices and number of sold houses over the years. This helps understand the price trend over the years in this postcode.

Please note that this data is populated based on the sold houses data given by the Land Registry.

House Type: Detached
YearAvg. PriceAvg. Price/Sq. mtrSold
2016£525,000 £2,253 1
2012£410,000 £2,356 1
2006£395,000 £1,496 1
2003£380,000 £1,439 1
1996£150,000 £644 1

All the Sales in the WESTERNHAY ROAD, LE2 3HF

See the table below for more details on the sold house prices in the LE2 3HF, Leicester postcode.

AddressSold DatePrice% Change
7 WESTERNHAY ROADDetached, FreeholdArea: 233 Sq.mtrAge: 1930-194930 Jun 2016£525,000250.00%
30 Jul 1996£150,000First Sale
11 WESTERNHAY ROADDetached, FreeholdArea: 174 Sq.mtrAge: 1930-194923 Nov 2012£410,000First Sale
2 WESTERNHAY ROADDetached, FreeholdArea: 264 Sq.mtrAge: 1983-199017 Feb 2006£395,0003.95%
14 Jul 2003£380,000First Sale
9 WESTERNHAY ROADDetached, Freehold01 Nov 2002£379,950First Sale

Check out the sold house prices near the LE2 3HF postcode. Properties currently for saleProperties currently for rent

WESTERNHAY ROAD, LE2 3HF Near By properties

Interactive Map

This Interactive map can help you visualize the nearby sold house in the LE2 3HF postcode area

Nearby Sold House Price Statstics

Knowing the nearby sold house in the area helps gauge the property market in the area. Below data gives house price Statstics of the surrounding area of the LE2 3HF postcode.

  • Terraced
    • The average price is around £165,855 median price is £148,150 Standard Deviation is £101,268 with Total Sold: 690
    • The Last 5 Year average price is £263,169 with Total Sold: 88
    • The most recent sale happened at this postcode is , 161 KNIGHTON ROAD: £150,000 (Sold on 09 Sep 2024)
    • The first recorded sale happened at this postcode is , 45 BULWER ROAD: £50,950 (Sold on 06 Jan 1995)
  • Detached
    • The average price is around £364,839 median price is £335,000 Standard Deviation is £206,811 with Total Sold: 585
    • The Last 5 Year average price is £601,748 with Total Sold: 89
    • The most recent sale happened at this postcode is , 5 STONEYGATE AVENUE: £835,000 (Sold on 29 Aug 2024)
    • The first recorded sale happened at this postcode is , 24 AVENUE ROAD: £80,000 (Sold on 31 Jan 1995)
  • Semi-Detached
    • The average price is around £216,386 median price is £185,000 Standard Deviation is £132,400 with Total Sold: 780
    • The Last 5 Year average price is £371,296 with Total Sold: 108
    • The most recent sale happened at this postcode is , 53 KNIGHTON DRIVE: £607,500 (Sold on 27 Aug 2024)
    • The first recorded sale happened at this postcode is , 201 QUEENS ROAD: £52,000 (Sold on 13 Jan 1995)
  • Flat
    • The average price is around £103,899 median price is £94,998 Standard Deviation is £63,691 with Total Sold: 686
    • The Last 5 Year average price is £151,478 with Total Sold: 108
    • The most recent sale happened at this postcode is , 2E CROSS ROAD: £125,000 (Sold on 02 Aug 2024)
    • The first recorded sale happened at this postcode is FLAT 1, CARLTON COURT, 384 LONDON ROAD: £40,000 (Sold on 28 Feb 1995)
  • Other
    • The average price is around £1,432,978 median price is £475,000 Standard Deviation is £3,880,115 with Total Sold: 47
    • The Last 5 Year average price is £651,137 with Total Sold: 24
    • The most recent sale happened at this postcode is , 11 SHIRLEY ROAD: £1,125,000 (Sold on 28 Nov 2023)
    • The first recorded sale happened at this postcode is FLAT 1, ALEXANDRA COURT, 342 LONDON ROAD: £600,000 (Sold on 28 Feb 2014)

Sold Price Trend Over the Years:

House Type: Terraced
YearAvg. PriceAvg. Price/Sq. mtrSold
2024£255,578 £2,565 7
2023£289,719 £3,738 16
2022£282,107 £2,860 14
2021£258,109 £2,979 22
2020£249,500 £2,593 10
2019£242,708 £2,712 19
2018£237,562 £2,371 24
2017£225,686 £2,301 23
2016£233,595 £2,517 26
2015£227,182 £2,064 22
2014£238,298 £1,962 25
2013£209,029 £1,946 18
2012£228,160 £1,937 8
2011£183,986 £1,916 16
2010£204,323 £1,952 17
2009£189,626 £1,844 19
2008£197,594 £1,888 17
2007£203,534 £2,135 25
2006£186,671 £1,961 29
2005£167,430 £1,815 24
2004£169,328 £1,849 39
2003£147,864 £1,415 33
2002£116,355 £1,150 32
2001£112,133 £1,093 30
2000£83,043 £925 23
1999£75,617 £805 34
1998£62,739 £671 34
1997£55,511 £574 26
1996£54,660 £589 20
1995£56,624 £560 38
House Type: Detached
YearAvg. PriceAvg. Price/Sq. mtrSold
2024£659,625 £4,823 8
2023£680,100 £3,953 15
2022£638,237 £3,749 15
2021£578,370 £3,337 23
2020£587,235 £3,358 17
2019£474,364 £3,226 11
2018£532,823 £2,820 23
2017£473,714 £3,137 14
2016£412,547 £2,596 17
2015£452,265 £2,551 17
2014£450,779 £2,668 17
2013£409,130 £2,383 15
2012£378,462 £2,120 15
2011£363,301 £2,525 15
2010£364,799 £2,328 26
2009£348,682 £2,017 28
2008£412,828 £2,339 18
2007£422,167 £2,254 15
2006£375,025 £1,725 22
2005£364,166 £1,785 21
2004£365,086 £1,804 34
2003£265,795 £1,923 30
2002£269,943 £1,325 27
2001£238,021 £1,252 29
2000£196,964 £1,174 12
1999£164,850 £1,638 20
1998£169,324 £1,278 23
1997£138,304 £719 13
1996£144,377 £695 24
1995£145,476 £889 21
House Type: Semi-Detached
YearAvg. PriceAvg. Price/Sq. mtrSold
2023£413,367 £3,847 18
2022£373,820 £3,218 22
2021£337,118 £2,675 17
2020£428,746 £2,616 13
2019£321,228 £2,756 29
2018£339,375 £2,807 16
2017£311,429 £2,592 22
2016£299,238 £1,978 23
2015£286,665 £2,297 21
2014£256,992 £2,360 29
2013£247,056 £2,018 18
2012£255,753 £1,829 23
2011£266,050 £2,152 19
2010£249,182 £1,876 25
2009£252,342 £1,907 27
2008£259,706 £2,081 17
2007£266,650 £2,202 36
2006£199,719 £1,865 26
2005£225,927 £1,799 28
2004£188,753 £1,851 40
2003£173,174 £1,706 58
2002£141,554 £1,196 37
2001£125,723 £980 42
2000£117,457 £982 27
1999£100,518 £763 33
1998£69,848 £653 27
1997£65,865 £621 23
1996£72,459 £600 28
1995£76,092 £598 27
House Type: Flat
YearAvg. PriceAvg. Price/Sq. mtrSold
2024£157,143 £1,983 7
2023£196,500 £2,458 10
2022£173,282 £2,711 25
2021£137,087 £2,256 23
2020£127,206 £1,919 16
2019£139,787 £2,157 27
2018£136,158 £1,986 25
2017£137,567 £1,766 39
2016£120,194 £1,958 28
2015£127,515 £1,897 26
2014£106,987 £1,749 19
2013£122,269 £1,784 18
2012£116,064 £1,484 14
2011£90,189 £1,656 9
2010£125,100 £1,818 10
2009£92,875 £1,543 14
2008£110,787 £1,834 19
2007£119,898 £2,097 20
2006£139,313 £1,783 27
2005£135,033 £1,864 36
2004£122,977 £1,921 24
2003£80,704 £1,499 39
2002£76,352 £1,186 47
2001£54,215 £855 30
2000£46,844 £771 36
1999£47,580 £885 22
1998£40,333 £714 24
1997£42,489 £788 22
1996£38,054 £566 18
1995£40,312 £682 12
House Type: Other
YearAvg. PriceAvg. Price/Sq. mtrSold
2023£705,000 £4,181 4
2022£744,500 £3,268 4
2021£817,714 £4,019 6
2020£304,000 £1,900 3
2019£573,000 £6,728 7
2018£2,830,284 £2,440 8
2017£362,751 £2,235 10
2014£11,616,192 £21,429 2

House Type in LE2 3HF area

The most common house types in the LE2 3HF postcode area are Detached (65), Terraced (35), and Semi-detached (34).

Shared house7
converted building0
commercial building0
temporary structure0

Tenure of household

As per the tenure of household, most of the the properties are Owned: Owns outright (69), and Owned: Owns with a mortgage or loan (41).

Owned: Owns outright69
Owned: Owns with a mortgage or loan41
Private rented: Private landlord or letting agency39
Private rented: Other private rented4
Social rented: Rents from council or Local Authority1
Social rented: Other social rented1
Does not apply0
Shared ownership: Shared ownership0
Lives rent free0

Number of People in a Household

The most houses in the LE2 3HF have 2 people in household (60), and 1 person in household (51).

2 people in household60
1 person in household51
3 people in household20
4 people in household19
5 people in household5
6 people in household2
0 people in household0
7 people in household0
8 or more people in household0