Housing Market Analysis for FINBOROUGH ROAD, SW10 9DP

Are you looking to understand SW10 9DP house prices? Here, we provide a detailed analysis of the latest sold house prices, trends over the years, and key statistics to help you gauge the real estate landscape in this Kensington and Chelsea postcode.

For the location information and nearby amenities in the SW10 9DP area, explore the SW10 9DP Area information page.
For comprehensive crime statistics in the SW10 9DP area, explore the SW10 9DP Crime Rates page.

Overview of Sold House prices

As per the latest sold houses in the SW10 9DP postcode area, The average prices are as follows,

  • Terraced
    • The average price is around £695,000 median price is £695,000 Standard Deviation is £0 with Total Sold: 1
    • The most recent sale happened at this postcode is 83 FINBOROUGH ROAD: £695,000 (Sold on 23 Feb 2004)
    • The first recorded sale happened at this postcode is 83 FINBOROUGH ROAD: £695,000 (Sold on 23 Feb 2004)

Sold Price Trend Over the Years:

Below table and chart gives the average SW10 9DP house prices and number of sold houses over the years. This helps understand the price trend over the years in this postcode.

Please note that this data is populated based on the sold houses data given by the Land Registry.

House Type: Terraced
YearAvg. PriceAvg. Price/Sq. mtrSold

All the Sales in the FINBOROUGH ROAD, SW10 9DP

See the table below for more details on the sold house prices in the SW10 9DP, Kensington and Chelsea postcode.

AddressSold DatePrice% Change
83 FINBOROUGH ROADTerraced, Freehold23 Feb 2004£695,000First Sale

Check out the sold house prices near the SW10 9DP postcode. Properties currently for saleProperties currently for rent

FINBOROUGH ROAD, SW10 9DP Near By properties

Interactive Map

This Interactive map can help you visualize the nearby sold house in the SW10 9DP postcode area

Nearby Sold House Price Statstics

Knowing the nearby sold house in the area helps gauge the property market in the area. Below data gives house price Statstics of the surrounding area of the SW10 9DP postcode.

  • Flat
    • The average price is around £612,720 median price is £440,000 Standard Deviation is £598,655 with Total Sold: 10,418
    • The Last 5 Year average price is £1,092,277 with Total Sold: 1,172
    • The most recent sale happened at this postcode is FLAT 15, WETHERBY MANSIONS EARLS COURT SQUARE: £850,000 (Sold on 10 Sep 2024)
    • The first recorded sale happened at this postcode is FLAT 1, HUNTER HOUSE, 326 - 342 OLD BROMPTON ROAD: £69,000 (Sold on 03 Jan 1995)
  • Terraced
    • The average price is around £1,652,399 median price is £1,000,000 Standard Deviation is £2,227,902 with Total Sold: 1,347
    • The Last 5 Year average price is £3,442,846 with Total Sold: 164
    • The most recent sale happened at this postcode is STUDIO F, CHELSEA STUDIOS, 410 - 416 FULHAM ROAD: £730,000 (Sold on 15 Aug 2024)
    • The first recorded sale happened at this postcode is , 2 HARLEY GARDENS: £1,600,000 (Sold on 06 Jan 1995)
  • Other
    • The average price is around £2,009,610 median price is £410,000 Standard Deviation is £5,905,107 with Total Sold: 208
    • The Last 5 Year average price is £2,351,793 with Total Sold: 110
    • The most recent sale happened at this postcode is , 46 REDCLIFFE ROAD: £3,300,000 (Sold on 30 Apr 2024)
    • The first recorded sale happened at this postcode is , 367B FULHAM ROAD: £55,000 (Sold on 16 Oct 2012)
  • Semi-Detached
    • The average price is around £5,743,274 median price is £2,600,000 Standard Deviation is £7,843,352 with Total Sold: 169
    • The Last 5 Year average price is £14,258,548 with Total Sold: 31
    • The most recent sale happened at this postcode is , 2 HARLEY GARDENS: £13,100,000 (Sold on 29 Feb 2024)
    • The first recorded sale happened at this postcode is , 2 THE BOLTONS: £2,600,000 (Sold on 16 Jan 1995)
  • Detached
    • The average price is around £4,526,072 median price is £1,650,000 Standard Deviation is £10,887,066 with Total Sold: 41
    • The Last 5 Year average price is £24,993,750 with Total Sold: 4
    • The most recent sale happened at this postcode is , 3 BOLTONS PLACE: £65,000,000 (Sold on 01 Nov 2023)
    • The first recorded sale happened at this postcode is , 1 WINTERTON PLACE: £277,000 (Sold on 25 Sep 1995)

Sold Price Trend Over the Years:

House Type: Flat
YearAvg. PriceAvg. Price/Sq. mtrSold
2024£955,424 £10,827 99
2023£1,103,175 £13,036 189
2022£1,090,136 £13,880 214
2021£1,198,496 £13,680 252
2020£1,115,106 £14,237 263
2019£957,925 £13,547 155
2018£1,155,598 £13,869 195
2017£1,083,929 £14,486 378
2016£1,055,707 £14,673 237
2015£1,086,055 £14,112 325
2014£1,095,277 £14,269 336
2013£945,696 £12,469 318
2012£856,850 £11,148 286
2011£772,078 £10,361 334
2010£645,091 £9,106 291
2009£645,514 £8,031 240
2008£719,872 £8,937 191
2007£666,303 £8,321 467
2006£515,190 £6,715 438
2005£479,450 £6,087 398
2004£445,836 £5,947 426
2003£526,618 £6,061 516
2002£398,961 £5,387 447
2001£374,392 £4,947 478
2000£309,997 £4,288 487
1999£251,968 £3,705 616
1998£232,432 £2,954 495
1997£198,970 £2,701 551
1996£179,659 £2,310 462
1995£157,646 £1,972 334
House Type: Terraced
YearAvg. PriceAvg. Price/Sq. mtrSold
2023£3,085,306 £17,524 30
2022£3,949,758 £18,205 45
2021£3,824,812 £19,925 24
2020£3,853,704 £16,348 27
2019£2,602,414 £15,389 29
2018£5,086,379 £17,098 29
2017£2,887,266 £14,954 32
2016£2,637,128 £16,346 22
2015£2,000,813 £14,998 22
2014£3,935,186 £20,057 30
2013£3,094,705 £20,081 37
2012£2,437,939 £15,188 35
2011£2,386,129 £14,823 38
2010£2,023,118 £11,953 38
2009£1,859,924 £12,438 27
2008£1,729,706 £10,524 17
2007£1,902,168 £11,353 42
2006£1,570,415 £8,573 66
2005£1,108,301 £7,646 52
2004£964,134 £6,559 55
2003£1,335,061 £6,628 52
2002£1,131,443 £6,920 62
2001£932,847 £6,550 65
2000£939,913 £5,935 66
1999£680,993 £4,085 62
1998£574,896 £4,404 53
1997£517,472 £3,653 121
1996£447,846 £2,978 91
1995£313,945 £2,091 69
House Type: Other
YearAvg. PriceAvg. Price/Sq. mtrSold
2024£788,000 £204 6
2023£6,495,949 £25,285 24
2022£1,522,383 £19,843 23
2021£1,264,344 £14,426 16
2020£1,307,973 £10,568 15
2019£892,407 £7,726 26
2018£2,861,564 £20,315 27
2017£1,139,078 £15,665 28
2016£1,347,862 £10,802 20
2015£1,094,084 £8,827 12
2014£1,064,889 £12,526 9
House Type: Semi-Detached
YearAvg. PriceAvg. Price/Sq. mtrSold
2023£17,400,000 £30,098 10
2022£14,462,500 £33,704 4
2021£11,412,778 £23,611 9
2020£14,787,500 £28,507 4
2019£11,733,333 £21,932 3
2018£8,900,000 £34,939 6
2017£14,000,000 £30,635 1
2016£8,512,500 £24,208 2
2015£5,545,000 £15,878 4
2014£8,803,333 £26,046 6
2013£2,250,000 £8,666 2
2012£24,636,333 £41,052 3
2011£2,462,500 £9,534 6
2010£9,000,000 £27,797 2
2009£5,031,500 £15,056 4
2008£5,950,536 £18,939 3
2007£9,666,667 £25,000 3
2006£2,661,857 £7,309 7
2005£3,432,250 £12,922 4
2004£2,637,567 £5,607 3
2003£4,168,333 £4,391 3
2002£795,865 £3,101 5
2001£2,706,708 £8,228 12
2000£2,215,833 £4,297 6
1999£1,874,221 £6,273 14
1998£1,850,000 £5,016 7
1997£1,517,631 £4,186 19
1996£1,261,667 £3,846 6
1995£1,288,300 £3,827 10
House Type: Detached
YearAvg. PriceAvg. Price/Sq. mtrSold
2023£33,687,500 £31,942 2
2022£3,400,000 £28,319 1
2020£29,200,000 £36,318 1
2018£3,162,500 £16,990 2
2014£10,925,000 £18,810 2
2011£11,500,000 £30,661 1
2006£1,512,500 £8,108 5
2005£3,250,000 £13,320 1
2004£5,125,000 £13,664 1
2003£938,333 £5,459 3
2001£2,060,000 £9,235 3
2000£1,349,667 £2,615 3
1999£1,140,000 £5,541 3
1998£785,990 £3,025 5
1997£977,500 £12,312 2
1996£1,030,000 £4,617 2
1995£483,500 £1,968 2

House Type in SW10 9DP area

The most common house types in the SW10 9DP postcode area are Flat (102), Shared house (5), and Semi-detached (2).

Shared house5
converted building0
commercial building0
temporary structure0

Tenure of household

As per the tenure of household, most of the the properties are Social rented: Rents from council or Local Authority (57), and Private rented: Private landlord or letting agency (23).

Social rented: Rents from council or Local Authority57
Private rented: Private landlord or letting agency23
Owned: Owns outright15
Owned: Owns with a mortgage or loan5
Social rented: Other social rented5
Private rented: Other private rented4
Does not apply0
Shared ownership: Shared ownership0
Lives rent free0

Number of People in a Household

The most houses in the SW10 9DP have 1 person in household (46), and 2 people in household (30).

1 person in household46
2 people in household30
3 people in household20
4 people in household4
5 people in household4
7 people in household1
0 people in household0
6 people in household0
8 or more people in household0