Housing Market Analysis for MOUNT EPHRAIM, TN4 8BN

Are you looking to understand TN4 8BN house prices? Here, we provide a detailed analysis of the latest sold house prices, trends over the years, and key statistics to help you gauge the real estate landscape in this Tunbridge Wells postcode.

For the location information and nearby amenities in the TN4 8BN area, explore the TN4 8BN Area information page.
For comprehensive crime statistics in the TN4 8BN area, explore the TN4 8BN Crime Rates page.

Overview of Sold House prices

As per the latest sold houses in the TN4 8BN postcode area, The average prices are as follows,

  • Detached
    • The average price is around £377,500 median price is £377,500 Standard Deviation is £0 with Total Sold: 1
    • The most recent sale happened at this postcode is OAKHURST LODGE MOUNT EPHRAIM: £377,500 (Sold on 17 Apr 2015)
    • The first recorded sale happened at this postcode is OAKHURST LODGE MOUNT EPHRAIM: £377,500 (Sold on 17 Apr 2015)

Sold Price Trend Over the Years:

Below table and chart gives the average TN4 8BN house prices and number of sold houses over the years. This helps understand the price trend over the years in this postcode.

Please note that this data is populated based on the sold houses data given by the Land Registry.

House Type: Detached
YearAvg. PriceAvg. Price/Sq. mtrSold
2015£377,500 £6,398 1

All the Sales in the MOUNT EPHRAIM, TN4 8BN

See the table below for more details on the sold house prices in the TN4 8BN, Tunbridge Wells postcode.

AddressSold DatePrice% Change
OAKHURST LODGE MOUNT EPHRAIMDetached, FreeholdArea: 59 Sq.mtrAge: before 190017 Apr 2015£377,500First Sale

Check out the sold house prices near the TN4 8BN postcode. Properties currently for saleProperties currently for rent

MOUNT EPHRAIM, TN4 8BN Near By properties

Interactive Map

This Interactive map can help you visualize the nearby sold house in the TN4 8BN postcode area

Nearby Sold House Price Statstics

Knowing the nearby sold house in the area helps gauge the property market in the area. Below data gives house price Statstics of the surrounding area of the TN4 8BN postcode.

  • Flat
    • The average price is around £237,080 median price is £185,000 Standard Deviation is £192,015 with Total Sold: 2,594
    • The Last 5 Year average price is £360,171 with Total Sold: 433
    • The most recent sale happened at this postcode is SECOND FLOOR FLAT, 9 DUDLEY ROAD: £110,000 (Sold on 20 Sep 2024)
    • The first recorded sale happened at this postcode is THE GARDEN FLAT, 60 YORK ROAD: £57,500 (Sold on 03 Feb 1995)
  • Detached
    • The average price is around £799,034 median price is £660,000 Standard Deviation is £700,338 with Total Sold: 362
    • The Last 5 Year average price is £1,391,346 with Total Sold: 52
    • The most recent sale happened at this postcode is , 29 BOYNE PARK: £1,960,000 (Sold on 02 Sep 2024)
    • The first recorded sale happened at this postcode is , 4A CLARENCE ROAD: £92,000 (Sold on 27 Jan 1995)
  • Terraced
    • The average price is around £472,647 median price is £375,000 Standard Deviation is £335,446 with Total Sold: 345
    • The Last 5 Year average price is £702,451 with Total Sold: 83
    • The most recent sale happened at this postcode is , 6 ASHDOWN CLOSE: £415,000 (Sold on 28 Jun 2024)
    • The first recorded sale happened at this postcode is , 65 GROSVENOR ROAD: £75,000 (Sold on 27 Jan 1995)
  • Semi-Detached
    • The average price is around £601,355 median price is £460,000 Standard Deviation is £454,938 with Total Sold: 159
    • The Last 5 Year average price is £914,182 with Total Sold: 31
    • The most recent sale happened at this postcode is , 69A MOUNT EPHRAIM: £227,500 (Sold on 07 Jun 2024)
    • The first recorded sale happened at this postcode is 1, BISHOPS DOWN COTTAGE BISHOPS DOWN PARK ROAD: £135,000 (Sold on 21 Jul 1995)
  • Other
    • The average price is around £1,928,821 median price is £505,000 Standard Deviation is £4,269,077 with Total Sold: 102
    • The Last 5 Year average price is £2,384,149 with Total Sold: 59
    • The most recent sale happened at this postcode is , 109 MOUNT PLEASANT ROAD: £436,000 (Sold on 02 Apr 2024)
    • The first recorded sale happened at this postcode is , 95 - 97 MOUNT PLEASANT ROAD: £3,000,000 (Sold on 20 Dec 2012)

Sold Price Trend Over the Years:

House Type: Flat
YearAvg. PriceAvg. Price/Sq. mtrSold
2024£337,921 £11,218 27
2023£360,135 £5,629 68
2022£351,736 £4,737 89
2021£357,128 £4,585 96
2020£324,992 £5,892 53
2019£395,277 £4,916 100
2018£285,665 £4,738 91
2017£406,281 £4,575 111
2016£320,380 £4,122 85
2015£281,200 £3,871 115
2014£266,170 £3,589 106
2013£228,643 £3,849 75
2012£273,695 £3,385 47
2011£207,260 £3,219 45
2010£239,482 £3,168 64
2009£228,609 £3,108 54
2008£261,435 £3,534 78
2007£225,125 £3,472 151
2006£255,191 £3,357 132
2005£257,443 £3,183 99
2004£246,005 £3,117 133
2003£169,961 £2,675 77
2002£203,997 £2,362 113
2001£154,983 £1,930 98
2000£110,364 £1,728 108
1999£75,117 £1,259 96
1998£64,741 £1,215 81
1997£56,628 £1,291 83
1996£52,040 £843 60
1995£56,655 £887 59
House Type: Detached
YearAvg. PriceAvg. Price/Sq. mtrSold
2023£1,215,857 £6,360 7
2022£1,294,375 £7,553 8
2021£1,121,846 £5,708 13
2020£1,311,667 £5,268 12
2019£1,247,500 £5,480 8
2018£1,252,000 £5,034 6
2017£1,270,750 £5,287 20
2016£1,321,879 £5,419 8
2015£1,132,114 £6,204 17
2014£1,135,557 £4,745 14
2013£882,714 £4,553 7
2012£955,625 £4,483 8
2011£749,200 £3,969 5
2010£730,748 £3,199 13
2009£757,519 £2,841 10
2008£626,500 £3,404 6
2007£750,041 £2,970 17
2006£849,460 £3,143 20
2005£627,288 £2,525 13
2004£802,305 £2,708 9
2003£527,718 £2,501 16
2002£548,425 £2,327 20
2001£398,667 £1,903 18
2000£368,733 £1,229 12
1999£577,344 £1,724 17
1998£330,458 £1,361 12
1997£268,850 £1,099 13
1996£228,625 £1,139 17
1995£213,375 £863 12
House Type: Terraced
YearAvg. PriceAvg. Price/Sq. mtrSold
2024£516,000 £5,957 5
2023£635,333 £6,073 6
2022£746,210 £5,730 14
2021£706,731 £6,958 13
2020£636,867 £5,531 15
2019£757,467 £5,230 30
2018£773,331 £5,029 37
2017£798,412 £4,687 12
2016£693,052 £4,880 21
2015£585,424 £4,584 16
2014£360,083 £4,008 12
2013£454,688 £3,650 8
2012£425,869 £3,583 9
2011£257,571 £3,439 7
2010£376,833 £3,348 9
2009£253,738 £2,625 4
2008£541,167 £4,406 6
2007£257,783 £2,630 6
2006£230,727 £2,573 11
2005£302,750 £3,815 8
2004£254,571 £2,415 14
2003£242,509 £3,079 9
2002£197,849 £2,640 7
2001£117,304 £1,299 14
2000£118,495 £1,583 10
1999£191,595 £1,526 10
1998£98,375 £1,647 6
1997£101,119 £845 13
1996£87,942 £1,023 9
1995£79,812 £853 4
House Type: Semi-Detached
YearAvg. PriceAvg. Price/Sq. mtrSold
2024£563,750 £5,556 2
2023£1,065,014 £4,771 4
2022£879,258 £6,206 12
2021£943,250 £5,657 4
2020£1,177,500 £5,805 2
2019£896,143 £5,816 7
2018£935,556 £5,473 9
2017£968,889 £5,146 9
2016£1,287,500 £3,836 2
2015£1,048,725 £4,204 4
2014£1,160,250 £3,840 4
2013£827,667 £3,756 3
2012£502,725 £2,223 2
2011£591,833 £4,134 6
2010£636,833 £3,096 6
2009£843,333 £3,409 3
2007£502,224 £2,830 9
2006£596,542 £2,221 12
2005£452,350 £4,810 6
2004£335,900 £2,505 5
2003£204,499 £2,714 4
2002£312,929 £1,654 7
2001£270,263 £1,848 11
2000£140,000 £1,037 1
1999£128,600 £1,585 5
1998£155,812 £1,130 8
1997£135,900 £948 5
1996£75,625 £1,103 4
House Type: Other
YearAvg. PriceAvg. Price/Sq. mtrSold
2023£1,832,333 £7,556 12
2022£1,204,500 £4,145 12
2021£2,335,828 £4,429 13
2019£4,654,695 £107,471 13
2018£1,161,072 £8,271 16
2017£1,692,522 £10,938 11
2016£1,556,000 £2,326 5

House Type in TN4 8BN area

The most common house types in the TN4 8BN postcode area are Flat (59), Shared house (42), and Terraced (24).

Shared house42
converted building22
commercial building0
temporary structure0

Tenure of household

As per the tenure of household, most of the the properties are Owned: Owns outright (57), and Private rented: Private landlord or letting agency (52).

Owned: Owns outright57
Private rented: Private landlord or letting agency52
Owned: Owns with a mortgage or loan41
Social rented: Other social rented15
Private rented: Other private rented4
Social rented: Rents from council or Local Authority2
Lives rent free1
Does not apply0
Shared ownership: Shared ownership0

Number of People in a Household

The most houses in the TN4 8BN have 1 person in household (77), and 2 people in household (55).

1 person in household77
2 people in household55
3 people in household23
4 people in household10
5 people in household4
6 people in household1
0 people in household0
7 people in household0
8 or more people in household0